How to Develop Great Marketing Plan

Successful sale is determined by brilliant marketing plan. In attempt on achieving targeted goals, the plans should be carefully set out. Following marketing strategy in line with the running business guarantees achievement and survival against other competitors.

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Day by day, companies with the same line are unlimitedly growing. In order to survive, hatching a marketing plan is recommended. This way leads you into targeted goals and makes your company constantly grows into better not failure. Continue reading

Designing Human Capital Strategy

Good companies can be reflected through their ways to improve the quality of human capital. When their employees run in good ethic and fulfill targeted goals, the companies have been successful to generate prosperity both financial and professionalism.

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A company will not run in efficient way when it has no loyal labors, therefore boosting up their performance and confidence to rule their responsibilities within work will make a lot of change. The question now raised in mind, how to efficiently boost up quality of human capital? Continue reading

Organizational Performance Analysis and Training Performance

The 10 sequential steps of what I call The Training Process include: 1) organizational performance analysis; 2) training-needs integration plan; 3) competency descriptions; 4) learning objectives; 5) participant analysis; 6) learning design; 7) evaluation and measurement; 8 ) learning program administration; 9) reporting individual progress, and 10) assessing organizational achievement.

Those ten steps will greatly enhance organizational effectiveness, and drive business performance. Continue reading

How to Evaluate and Measure Training Quality and Effectiveness?

Quality is word, like professionalism, that trainers tend to use with some abandon. The problem is that quality has a lot of definitions. So before I discuss how to assure and control quality, let’s establish a definition of that somewhat elusive word.

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The bottom line on training quality is the degree to which trained personnel perform successfully on the job after training. Quality is the sum total of a number of contributing factors and can be seriously reduced by any one of them. Continue reading

How to Improve Quality and Work Performance

A critical element in an ongoing quality assurance program is follow-through. Managers, supervisors and those who actually do the work need support, recognition and encouragement in their quality assurance efforts.

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In Japan, and increasingly in the United States and Europe, this support and ongoing attention to quality at the “grass roots” or “worker” level is supplied by some¬thing known as the Quality Circle. A Quality Circle is a relatively small group of people (5 to 20) who come from the same work group and who meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly to discuss quality problems. The group is usually led by a supervisor or senior employee. Continue reading

Post Training Programs and Behaviors

The procedures and operations used during training to create generalization are critical to the transfer process. For instance, the diversity, variety and novelty of tasks, responses and problems presented during training assist transfer. Providing an adequate number of informational stimuli, as well as teaching sufficiently varied responses to them, is important.

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An underused method for programming generalization is to do the training in a number of organizational settings. For example, subgroups can be simultaneously trained in different environments with appropriate sequencing between them until training is completed; or the whole group can serially pass through training presentations in different settings. Continue reading