Key Strategies to Enhance ITO – Inventory Turn Over

Clearance Sales, Mid-Night Sales and all other discounted sales at the malls and stores are always been the much awaited event of shoppers.

It could be for the reason that shoppers will be able to get commodities in a reasonable price or discounted prices. The rush to go to the malls is there, and even the air at the malls will seem festive every time there are sales being made.

Buying public are always being attractive to mall’s sales for Clearance Sales means that you can get signature clothing and bags on discounted prices. Continue reading

How to Become a Great Management Consultant

If people wish to learn how to become a great management consultant, they need to have the necessary skill set, knowledge and educational background. There is a large difference between being a regular management consultant from being considered an expert in the field.

Individuals need to consider the different parts of the business, as well as get to know the right people to understand the chain of management and focus on the aspects that will lead to growth and development. There are several ways to begin. Here are some tips. Continue reading

Strategic Sales Management

The concept of sales management is to highlight practical examples of different devised sales methodologies and techniques and define how sales are operated and managed within a business setting. It can be said without any doubt that a sale is one of the most vital functions of any business.

It is the sales of company’s product and services that generate revenue for all the stakeholders involved and make the business profitable. Higher the sales, higher the profit is. Sales management is a complex phenomenon. This is one function that inter connects all the rest of the functional departments within the company because this brings in profit which in turn has effect on all the functions. Continue reading

What is LBO – Leverage Buy Out ?

Business always have its twists and turns and in every miscalculated decision of the company can result to financial losses and obtaining debts are oftentimes being resorted to in order to improve the financial status of the company with the hopes that it will be able to get back to the business world.

If a company will not resort to debt incurring activity, it will resort to merger and acquisition.

Usually, in merger and acquisition, a company can have a Leverage Buy Out a process of acquisition of a company of certain asset of which the purchase price is a combination of debt and equity. The cash flow of the target is being used to secure for the repayment. Continue reading

Personal Branding and Career Plan

Personal branding and career are used by several companies and individuals to successfully expand their network and reap huge amounts of income. There are so many tools and guidelines to follow so pick the best ones that will work according to the needs of the company.

It’s also best to create a schedule specifying the proper times to launch different techniques and approaches. The idea is to establish the brand with the values and traits that mean a lot to the business. It’s equally important to keep clients interested. Continue reading

Job Description of Operations Manager

One of the most important personnel in any company, organization or institution is the operations manager. This person plays a very important role so before hiring him, it is important to check his background, credentials and qualifications.

Hiring the wrong person will have a great impact in the operation and profitability of the business.

The operations manager is mostly needed in many industries typically as a storefront or in operation for retail business. His main role is to minimize or eliminate the day-to-day problems in the business operations and to ensure that the highest level of customer service will be achieved. Continue reading