Building High Performance and Effective Team

High-performance team leaders must be experts in the unit’s activity and prepared to function as pacesetters and mentors.

The leadership of a high-performance unit presents a unique challenge. Members of such a unit generally function best under leadership which supports risk-taking, provides feedback, honors goal clarity, rewards initiative, encourages growth and demands excellence. Leaders of high-performance units sometimes become quasi-mythical figures. Vince Lombardi is an example. Continue reading

Developing High Performance Culture and Training

Training is continuous and related to assignments. A high-performance spirit and raw confidence are cut from the same cloth. Confidence can be defined as the inner security that comes from knowing and knowing that you know.

The role of continuous training is to promote inner security by maintaining preparedness. With the business world changing so rapidly, the high-performance unit must be perpetually updated to remain current, responsive and effective. The training must be related to the task performed. This not only ensures cost effectiveness by being immediately applicable, it adds to the elite feeling by increasing the likelihood of unit success. Continue reading