Role of HRD in a Quality Improvement Effort

There really are three roles for HRD in a quality-improvement effort. First and most obvious is the education and training role. HRD is the natural reĀ¬source for communicating management’s commitment to quality “to the troops” and shaping the skills of the work force. Crosby sees three educational roles in a quality-improvement program. Continue reading

Career Planing and Career Management in HR Fields

A topic of increasing interest to trainers is personal career development. Many competent trainers finally are asking, “Hey, where do I go from here?” According to David Brinkerhoff, vice-president of Abbott-Smith Associates, a Millbrook, NY-based recruiting firm specializing in the training field, the question is more than justified.

“It’s incredible,” says Brinkerhoff, “that these sophisticated professionals, who are so concerned with the training and development of others, spend next to no time thinking about themselves and their own careers.” Continue reading

HR Department and People Development Process

Personnel planning and review assures annual attention to how an organization’s people are developing and helps executives systematically broaden their pool of potential leaders. When it is well-managed, (criterion-based, reliable, fair) and considers both personal and organizational needs, personnel review and planning can also strengthen the organization’s appeal to career-conscious, high-talent recruits and employees.

This is true, however, only when top management helps develop, support and participate in a rigorous review and planning process and then follows through on career pathing and development actions. Continue reading