Designing Incentive Plan For Sales People To Get More Profit In Your Company’s Account

Designing Incentive Plan for Sales People is the best way to get them motivated and get a good profit. However, the thing is most companies do not know how to make incentive plans. Designing Incentive Plan for Sales People is out of the mind thing for them because they have no idea how it is done.

It is either that or they think that their sales tem do not need incentives to work hard. This is the constant dilemma of executives and head of departments. Moreover, it is a very wrong concept that sales people do not need incentives. Continue reading

Sharing the Wealth – HRD’s Role in Making Incentive Plans Work

Employees do a better job when they’ve got a piece of the business,” declares a Chicago and Northwestern Railroad ad in a recent Business Week. It goes on to suggest that, since C&NW em¬ployees own the business “down to the last spike,” they work a little harder, smile a little wider, frown less, take more pride in their jobs, control costs better and are more profitable, in-novative and productive than people at other railroads.

Though C&NW is an extreme example, a number of organizations are coming to see the point the C&NW ad makes: Employees do perform bet¬ter when they have a piece of the action. Continue reading