Structure-Based Job Interview

Many people are still unfamiliar with the flow of events and sequence of a structure-based job interview. Knowing the details will help applicants become fully focused and stay prepared several days before they step into the office.

The duration will depend on how many interviews and interviewers there are and the specific qualities that they’re looking for among individuals. Applicants should consider time carefully and learn how to properly time their answers so they maximize efficiency and send the message very well. Continue reading

Competency-based Interview Skills

Rightly or wrongly, the face-to-face, pre-employment interview is here to stay. What can you do to maximize your time with the candidate and get the kind of information you need for a decent evaluation of potential? According to Dr. Marvin Dunnette, an industrial psychologist and selection expert with Personnel Decisions, Minneapolis, these dozen and a half helpful hints can help you increase the effectiveness— read validity and reliability— of the face-to-face interview process. Continue reading