Need for Achievement and Communication Skills

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Mr. Sandy appears as a person with high need for achievement. To achieve his goals and aspirations, he is willing and able to undertake multitasks simultaneously. He also has high need to assume role of a leader. As a leader, he does not like to use strong control to monitor his staff’s performance. Instead, he allows his staff to do their tasks freely for as long as they follow the established rules and procedures.

Mr. Sandy has an ability to make quick decisions and responds quickly to problems. He prefers to use practical approach in resolving job problems. He also has relatively fast work pace when doing his tasks. However, he tends to overly depend on rules and instructions or supervision from his boss. While this attribute may help him to create order and clarity, it can also cause him to be inflexible and too dependent on other people. Such dependency diminishes his potentials to be a self-starter and room for creativity. Continue reading