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Ms. Julia appears to be very happy with her current responsibilities and role as the PR Manager In-charge. She finds her work enjoyable and may be considered a “smart worker”. She is extremely organized and systematic. She gives a prime on details and is impartial when it comes to decision- making. She displays a reasonable level of commitment and zeal to her job and desires on further improving herself.
At present, Ms. Julia’s leadership skill and her confidence to play a leadership role are still under developed. Despite this deficiency however, she has a high sense of responsibility for herself and for others, which is an indication of a natural leader profile. She delegates tasks to her subordinate and values her inputs and suggestions, but still prefers to oversee an operation or a project. At present, she has only one subordinate whom she treats as a partner rather than a subordinate. She prefers to analyze every detail of a situation or dilemma before making a decision, but is also able to make “quick- snappy” decisions if necessary. Continue reading