Presentation Skills and Public Speaking Skills

The utmost thing to prepare ahead of business presentation is public speaking skill. Without this skill, standing before many eyes will be pretty horrible. You lose your self confidence and face business assignment failure. It is pretty common to see people who phobia at speaking to public.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

Well, if you heed some suggestions below, surely you will get rid of the things and easily perform the business presentation as good as possible. Continue reading

Training on Communication and Presentation Skills

Most results presentations follow the rule of tradition: We do what we’ve seen others do and hope it works. If our organization traditionally writes 200-page reports, we write 200-page reports. If most presentations are verbal, to small groups, we follow this organizational family formula as well. In reality, a two-day presentation and a 200-page report may be too little for some groups and studies; a two-hour presentation and a 20-page report too much for other circumstances.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

The trick is to tailor. If your report is to be made to six people, find out as much as you can about the communication and organizational needs of those six people. What issues are sensitive to them? What vested interests do they have that relate to your study? What are their communication styles? What outcomes do they expect, and what unexpected results might be rejected out of hand? Continue reading