Some individuals are interested to start a career in transportation industry. There are many types of transport modes to choose from, depending on the interests, training and experience of the applicant. The great thing about getting a job in the transportation industry is that people do not need to have a thorough educational background to start.
There are training schools and programs created by companies to make applicants highly qualified for the position. Here are some tips and guidelines on how to be a professional.
The Available Positions
The applicant should first assess and determine which area in the transportation industry he wishes to be involved in. There are several modes of transport so people can hone down their choices to land, water or air travel. Many of the positions do not require a college degree, although having one will help people progress quickly later on.
Some of the available positions include being a bus driver, taxi driver, truck driver, carpool driver, water transport controller, railroad and locomotive controller, private transport driver, luxury vehicle driver, aircraft pilot, transportation mechanic, fleet controller, transportation technician, air traffic controller, transport base operator, flight attendant, bus conductor, moving van driver and many more. Individuals should be particular about the field and position they wish to attain.
The Requirements
A number of jobs like being a bus driver, taxi driver, private car driver, moving van driver and bus conductor do not need a college degree. Companies will prefer individuals who have finished high school but special exemptions can be made for highly qualified individuals.
Applicants should prepare their resume and copies of the needed documents like a professional driver’s license. It will be ideal to showcase the total number of years of driving experience as well as previous employment in related fields. Individual should also be ready for an interview once they get qualified during the initial steps.
Other types of career in transport industry will require college education plus further studies such as aiming to become an airline pilot, ship officer, water vessel controller, aircraft mechanic or technician or air traffic controller.
Courses that are highly related to the fields are required such as aviation studies, mechanical engineering, aeronautic engineering, maritime training, navigation, etc. Individuals should also undergo the proper training to become highly qualified such as going to aviation or maritime school. The schools should be recognized and accredited by the governing bodies to have a big chance of landing a career in transport industry. Further studies and training will be conducted by the company once the person has been chosen for the position.
Final Tips
Individuals should also show that they have the capacity to handle the career in transport industry. Some of the key traits include being organized, having leadership traits, having good communication skills and knowing how to follow instructions accurately. Leadership traits are important especially if the person aims to be the head of a ship, plane or fleet. Aptitude tests will also be provided by companies upon application.