How to Develop Good Mechanical Maintenance System?

Equipment and machines have already been around in the industry for a long time. All those machines and equipment that are being used and operated these days were already innovated and developed in order to cater the changing needs and ways that certain products are being produced.

Everybody knows how important equipment and machines are. But then, have you ever wondered how all those were made or how they were made to operate another machine? Equipment and machines are important, but only a few have realized that behind a well functioning machine are the doings of mechanics maintenance.

Mechanics maintenance is the one responsible in the management and operations department of those large production machines. Typically, these large production machines are used in factories and it is generally big and complex.

Mechanics maintenance is also known as the production mechanic or the journeyman mechanic which is actually used to differentiate those mechanics for automobile or those that makes small engines.

Mechanics maintenance is an important aspect in maintaining any equipment and machines, since that the products that will be produced solely depends on the maintaining actions that were made for it.

Then again, the machine’s quality performance also depends on the person that is assigned to address that task. In order to secure the maintenance of the machine, qualified mechanics maintenance must be appointed and employed. The mechanic must possess the right qualification in order for that person to perform his tasks and responsibilities.

Mechanics maintenance involves performing his three major tasks which includes regularly doing the scheduled maintenance, setting up the system and do perform emergency repairs.

Scheduled maintenance for production machines is only done during non-peak hours. This responsibility entails coordinating with the line manager or the production scheduler regarding the maintenance of the machine.

Part of being mechanics maintenance is to take notice whenever the scheduled maintenance must be accelerated and also to inform that to the line manager.

Once the machine is already available it must be immediately cleaned, and all moving parts must be removed, cleaned, lubricated, and reinstalled. All damaged parts must be replaced and afterwards, the non-moving parts must be inspected.

Down time events within a production environment is a usual occurrence especially if it is not addressed soon, it will automatically cost the company loss of money.

In order to prevent that, the mechanics maintenance must always plan a strategy and act that out so as to minimize the occurrence of down time and also to make the machine run and operate in time when it is already needed.

Once a product will be added, the mechanics maintenance will be required to meet the product manager so as to discuss the modifications that will be needed in order to make that new product.

Basically, during this time, the mechanic is the one who is responsible in doing all necessary changes and the test runs. Once the manager has approved the quality of the machine that is the time when the latest set-up will be added to schedule of production.