How to Get Good Internship?

If you are a college student then you need internships to make your résumé look good. Summer is just an inch away and you should get a move on. You do not have to be a lazy bum and slug around like last year. You can choose you can choose to do an internship, which will look good on your résumé and will be good for your future. Other than that, you would be earning some real time money that can be useful to you.

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But the question is: How to Get Good Internship? Getting a good internship is not easy. You have to look hard and have the right contacts but at the same time there are a few things that you have to improve on yourself before someone will hire you.

Good internships are only given to those people who have decent grades and skills. Even if you are not at the top of your class you should at least have a good CGPA i.e. above 3.50 or more. Plus you have to have some skills that can guarantee you an internship even if you do not have Einstein worthy CGPA.

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Time Management Is Crucial And Necessary
Time management!Time management!You should learn these words by heart. Being a student it should be your key quality. Companies will expect you to be good at time management because you are a student. Why?A student’s life is all about time. You have to manage your duties, your work and your college according to your time.

You have to be sure that you are not late for college, you have to turn your assignments in on time, and you have to study on time before it is too late. In the real world time management means a lot. A company can lose big money if its employees are not careful about the time. You have to show skills that will prove your worth. A company is not going to waste its time on somebody who is as lazy as a slug. Efficiency is the key my brother.

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Buff Up Your Computer Skills Buddy
How to Get Good Internship? Well, by having good computer skills. If you have good computer skills then you can get an internship almost anywhere. Companies rely on computers to store their highly important things and strategies and they have to be typed in. other than that you have to have good internet research skills. You have to show the company that you can do any task. You have to show them that you can even make the company’s budget.

You will have to send emails, make documents, sending PDA’s, making presentations in excel and power point and create memos every single day. So for that matter you have to have thorough knowledge of Microsoft Office at least. Your other skills will be worthless if you do not have proper typing speed and skills.

Perfect Your Communication Skills
Your communication skills have to be perfect and spot on. You cannot imagine getting an internship without good communication skills. You should have a striking personality and you should have a smooth soothing voice. Your cadences and accent should be perfect and respectful. You have to keep on thing in mind though: do not use the too cool to handle vocabulary on job. That is only for your friends not for the official people.

You have to keep your tone business like and friendly at the same time. Have confidence in your voice even if you do not feel confident at all. Your body language should be good and relaxed and you should always make a firm handshake because that shows confidence and strength in a man.

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Execution With Perfection Will Show Your Determination
Your execution should be perfect. You have to convince your would-be boss that you can execute any task. Tell him that you can do anything that he wants you to. Even if he asks you to make coffee for the staff you will do it to gain his confidence and trust.

With that he will begin to rely on you and give you bigger tasks and you can learn something new and constructive that will come in handy for your future. Remember that you will be doing a real job even just as an internship and you cannot make any mistake because it will have some serious consequences. And if you do a job correctly then you will be given recognition and references for your future jobs.

Show Them You Can Work In A Group And Still Stand Out
One thing is you would not always get the spot light. Sometimes you have to work with other internees as a group and as a team. But that does not mean that you have to go back in the shadows. Give your full performance and show your boss that you can work in a team and still show your full caliber.

Most of the time you would be shifted from one department to another and you should show your boss that you can manage and cope with sudden changes well.

You should be able to show him that your main motive is work and experience and nothing else. Show him that even with the change of department you can have the same presence and personality that you showed in the previous departments. You should show dynamic communication skills and be sure to stand out.

How to Get Good Internship?Make goals and try to achieve them. Think of a specific field that will help you in your future. Try to get internship in your field. This will look really good in your résumé. Make a choice of where you would prefer to go, this will add interest and motive to work harder. Keep these things in mind and you will get the best internship.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management, business strategy and personal development HERE.