Brand and Sales – Why is Branding So Important for Sales?

Nowadays, customers would always go for quality before pricing. He would like to know that his purchase will not be in vain or he would not be coming back for the same product just because the last one did not last longer than the money he had to pay.

In addition, to add a name to their purchase is a plus factor that helps future interaction between the customer and suppliers.

Brand names have become very important since people around the world have become more brand conscious. Everyone one wants to own something nice from a popular designer or developer. Continue reading

Three Basic Principles of Brand Management as Your Key Success to Run Your Business

Have you ever dreamt about building your own business? Well, there might be half of the people in this world have ever dreamt about having their own business, even though only once in their life. Then, what kind of business they want to run? I am sure that half people in the world will say, “I want to open a café because I love cooking.”

The other half may say, “I want to open an architect consultant because it is a trend.” Yes, there are two different answers. However, from those answers, we can conclude that people open a business based on their capability or according to a trend. Continue reading

Brand Management and Managing Your Brand Identity

Due to the fact that a brand holds a tremendous value of product, brand management is thus made a study. How to increase customers’ awareness on the brand and how to protect and increase the good image of the brand are some questions a brand manager must find the answers.

A successful brand management will enhance customers’ trust and keep them loyal to the brand.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

How to manage your brand? Continue reading