Career Planning and Career Management

Each day should be the perfect time for career planning if you are actively and seriously looking to achieve your career objectives. If you could not reach your career goal last year, then it is still possible to make it good this year. There are several tips on how to do the right career planning to be successful that we discuss here for you.

The first tip to do in the right career planning is to learn and re-learn. We all know that life requires every person to hone his or her abilities and proficiencies continuously in order to capable of living up to the current environment trends. Because the world changes constantly, it is important for you to be on your feet so that you can change along with the world. Continue reading

Career Development and Career Planning

For HRD professionals, the career development task in the 2020s will be to balance the individual’s needs for freedom and growth with the organization’s needs for productivity and results.

Most existing career development systems will continue to maintain the basic components of career development. These components include:

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

1. Techniques for individual self-assessment: Skills, interests, preferences, values and constraints such as family needs, geographical location, financial pressures, etc. Continue reading

Assess Your Strengths, before You Start Your Own Career Plan

Ask a trainer what he or she is good at and you’ll hear something like this: “I’m pretty good at A but I really need to work on B, C, D, E, F….” Perhaps we spend so much time investigating other people’s performance problems and patching up weaknesses in the classroom that we’re unable to look objectively at our personal and professional assets.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

But a rational career planning and development effort is based on understanding and exploiting one’s strengths, not on bolstering one’s perceived weaknesses. To do otherwise is to fall victim to a reasoning/thinking fallacy that psychiatrist Albert Ellis refers to as the Musterbation of Perfection: “I must be perfect. After all, I’m a trainer and trainers are infallible.” Continue reading

Career Planing and Career Management in HR Fields

A topic of increasing interest to trainers is personal career development. Many competent trainers finally are asking, “Hey, where do I go from here?” According to David Brinkerhoff, vice-president of Abbott-Smith Associates, a Millbrook, NY-based recruiting firm specializing in the training field, the question is more than justified.

“It’s incredible,” says Brinkerhoff, “that these sophisticated professionals, who are so concerned with the training and development of others, spend next to no time thinking about themselves and their own careers.” Continue reading

Fast Track Career Plan and Career Management

On the surface, it might seem that a major electronics company and a publishing firm have little in common. Yet, Motorola, manufacturer of electronic components and radio equipment, and McGraw-Hill, producer of trade magazines and newsletters, have much in common when it comes to training.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

First, both companies have drawn training directors from line management, choosing company generalists rather than career training and development professionals. Second, both have an active and effective performance appraisal system, using both supervisory judgment and other tools to select high-potential employees. Third, both companies are committed to a philosophy that makes employee education and training important ingredients for success. Continue reading

Job Promotion and Career Management

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.

Mr. Tabrani has been working in Hotel Sun for 25 years and started as a steward. He is a fast resolute person who wanted to study about cooking and he took the chance that was given to him by Sun. After 11 months he got promoted to a cook helper. Through hard work and perseverance, he eventually became the junior sous chef. Assigned in the main kitchen, he works together with the other sous chef for the preparation of daily menu as well as managing the kitchen staff. Together they prepare breakfast and lunch for most of the hotel outlets and room service.

Mr. Tabrani enjoys cooking and expressed that he wants to keep on learning so that he can achieve his goal to become a Sous Chef one day. With the current heavy workload he encounters, he has to get used to work with many tasks at one time. Continue reading