Career in Financial Industry: Career Options in Financial Sector

Even with the decline in the world economy people have seen great growth in the financial sector. Right now there are a lot of finance jobs and even more candidates for it. If you are looking for a Career in Financial then you have come to the right place.

You can be sure that your Career in Financial Industry is going to be rocking. Most of the fiancé related jobs can make you more than eighty five thousand dollars per annum and some even give you more than a hundred thousand dollars. Continue reading

How to Develop Good Career Planing?

Whenever we graduate from our university, the first thing, which everyone asks, is what are we doing next? This is a very difficult question to answer right away for most of the people because they are not sure where they will be going, as they have not clarified theirplans.

Some of these people do some research beforehand just to make sure they do not have to struggle in the future. That is actually the better technique, which should be opted by most of the people. Continue reading

Career Development and Career Planning

For HRD professionals, the career development task in the 2020s will be to balance the individual’s needs for freedom and growth with the organization’s needs for productivity and results.

Most existing career development systems will continue to maintain the basic components of career development. These components include:

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

1. Techniques for individual self-assessment: Skills, interests, preferences, values and constraints such as family needs, geographical location, financial pressures, etc. Continue reading

Assess Your Strengths, before You Start Your Own Career Plan

Ask a trainer what he or she is good at and you’ll hear something like this: “I’m pretty good at A but I really need to work on B, C, D, E, F….” Perhaps we spend so much time investigating other people’s performance problems and patching up weaknesses in the classroom that we’re unable to look objectively at our personal and professional assets.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

But a rational career planning and development effort is based on understanding and exploiting one’s strengths, not on bolstering one’s perceived weaknesses. To do otherwise is to fall victim to a reasoning/thinking fallacy that psychiatrist Albert Ellis refers to as the Musterbation of Perfection: “I must be perfect. After all, I’m a trainer and trainers are infallible.” Continue reading

People Development and Career Path

Executives play a powerful role in people development because virtually every decision has development implications. The strategic planning process, budgets, organization structure, promotion and career pathing practices, company policies, management systems, management style all of these business terms bring to mind the value of human resources, while setting the boundaries and tone for employee growth and development.

In most organizations these boundaries need to be carefully reexamined for their effects on productivity, satisfaction and development. Executives who do not respond to this challenge risk losing their best people and stifling the creativity and commitment that make organizations great. For very practical reasons, new human resources management and development practices are needed in most organizations: Continue reading

Designing Fast Track Career Plan

Fast-tracking high potential management and technical talent is a strategy many organizations are using to ensure that the good people they are able to attract are properly developed, effectively utilized and retained. The scenario goes like this: Sammy Starr is top dog of his MBA class at Famous University. Before “B” school, Sammy was a Phi Beta Kappa and swim team captain. From 650 Fortune 500 job offers, Sammy finally accepts an offer from Big City Bank.

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