Job Description of a Hotel Duty Manager

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Mr. Ibra demonstrates tendency to be a strong leader and high need to control other to achieve job targets. He also tends to be attentive to details and to follow the rules and procedures in the process of completing daily tasks. All of these elements bring him as a dominant leader who prefers to provide firm and clear work instructions that must be obeyed by his staff. In the process of realizing those instructions, he tends to be assertive and at time disregard sensitivity of others.

For Mr. Ibra, the completion of task is considered more important than the issue of social relations – thereby projecting him as a more task-oriented leader. Even though he likes to focus on task, Mr. Ibra remains protective and responsible to his staff’s works. For instance, when his boss got angry due to disappointing results from his staff, he fully took the responsibilities of the mistakes he felt accountable because he believes that as a leader he should be the first to be blamed if his team performance is marginal. Continue reading