Negotiation Skills for Sales People

It is very essential to be equipped with the best negotiation skills for sales people. This is because it allows them to make lasting agreements with a positive outcome from the parties involved. The need to embrace the art of negotiation the salespeople need to enhance the sales performance process.

Negotiation skills can be made effective by recognizing the significance of maintaining equilibrium between the objectives of the business to be accomplished and building strong and mutual long-term relationship with clients. Hence, negotiation skills for sales people must be highly effective for multiple purposes. It is not always easy to locate the balance between the business objectives and quality bond with clients. Continue reading

Steps to Conduct A Great Negotiation Session

Good negotiation skills will give you a hand in most areas of your life. This is so because if you take a good look at your daily life, you will find a lot of events where you need to negotiate.

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From getting the best deal on the market to much serious discussion with clients or business partners, well honed negotiation skills are required to give you the best result. Find out more about how to develop your negotiation skills below. Continue reading

Negotiation Skills Can Be Learned?

A number of top business schools have recently added negotiation skills to their curriculum. Schools like Michigan, Harvard and Stanford are even offering courses in negotiation not directly related to labor-management conflict. How effective are these programs?

According to a report by Dr. Israel Unterman of San Diego State University’s department of management, some are very effective. Continue reading

Collective Bargaining and Behavior Based Negotiation

Believe it or not, even the academics are beginning to see that negotiation skills, processes and procedures have utility beyond conflict resolution, grievance arbitration and collective bargaining.

Two of them, Lane Tracy, college of business administration, Ohio State, and Richard B. Peterson, graduate school of business administration, University of Washington, recently con¬ducted an extensive survey study to determine 1) what conditions support the attempt to solve problems by means of negotiation and 2) what tactics and behaviors facilitate problem solving. Continue reading

Tactics of Negotiation Skills

According to lawyer-turned-negotiation-consultant Nierenberg, the first step in learning positive negotiation skills is the acceptance of a “win-win” philosophy of negotiating.

“My basic philosophy is that you leave the other fellow something of his own. If you don’t, you’ve planted dragon seeds for the future. What we’re trying to do is replace the out¬dated win/lose approach with a creative approach that will be in the best interests of both parties,” he emphasizes.

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This approach to negotiation is often referred to as the need theory of negotiation; Abraham Mas-low refers to it as “….inclusive or synergic negotiating in which all people win.” Nierenberg and others have simply dubbed it the win-win approach. Continue reading