Sales Coaching for Sales Managers and Sales Supervisors

Creativity has become a key to success in organizations nowadays and it actually works if put into best practice. It is advisable to come up with different challenging ideas and make it work. The difficult part doesn’t start when you come up with an idea, but when you actually put it into practice;it is not like a piece of cake but needs real planning to do that. One person who has just joined the organization won’t be able to understand the whole thing by itself. A proper guidance and training would be required for him to actually succeed in the market. Continue reading

Evaluating the Performance of Sales People and Sales Managers

In most cases, evaluating the performance of salespeople is pat. They either make their numbers or they don’t. Perhaps an oversimplification, but not a monumental one. Evaluating the performance of the safes manager, though, has traditionally been more art than science.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

“At State Farm,” says Donald W. Frischmann, agency division vice president, “we felt that it was both im¬possible and unrealistic to attempt to evaluate the performance of agency managers (sales managers) until we developed a realistic data-supported basis for evaluation. From a research standpoint, we needed to capture and verify the key dimensions of the sales manager’s job. From a corporate standpoint, we knew we would have to use this information to define the role we expected sales managers to fill, communicate those expectations, and help current sales management see how those key performance dimen¬sions were, in fact, the essence of good sales management.” Continue reading