Business Center Manager

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Ms. Lily displays mastery in her field. She is flexible, adaptable to change; and is adept to perform various tasks in different disciplines. As proof of the prior statement, she currently holds two positions in the hotel; she is both the E.D.P. and Business Center Manager.

According to her, she is able to balance her time properly and is able to meet the requirements and fulfill the responsibilities of the two positions without compromising either one. She could also be considered a hard worker, yet manages to make her work life enjoyable. Admittedly, she has some difficulty in accomplishing administrative tasks and prefers to delegate details to her subordinates. She appears to favor theoretical knowledge and concepts thereby making her a possible effective planner. Moreover, her innate interest and fervor for computer related technology has given her a feeling of contentment and satisfaction in so far as her career path is concerned.

Ms. Lily has a high sense of responsibility. As a manager of the E.D.P. and Business Center divisions, she does not feel the need to be a controlling or autocratic leader, but is confident enough to exercise the leadership authority and role that has been given to her. She practices more of the democratic style of leadership than the authoritative and values the inputs and suggestions of her staff. She prefers to demonstrate to her staff how things should be done rather than just giving them verbal orders. In situations wherein a subordinate does not cooperate with her or disobey her orders, she is forced to be the autocratic type of leader and reprimands according to hotel policies without making any compromise. She considers herself to be a quick decision maker and attributes this ability to the nature of her work. She likes to base most of her decisions on the hotel’s procedures and guidelines, but consults colleagues who are more experienced for decisions that are more difficult and not within the scope of the hotel’s guidelines.

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Ms. Lily has demonstrated her creativity a number of times. As the E.D.P. Manager, her most recent manifestation of this competency is the recent launching of internet facility in the deluxe rooms which is a service that very few five-star hotels provide and is proud that Sun Jaya is one of those hotels. She has also made a proposal for the hotel’s intranet system, but unfortunately, she feels that due to budget constraints, it is not given priority by the management. At present, she is working on a project involving the hotel’s parking system to be finished approximately in the next two months.

As the Business Center Manager on the one hand, she has been attending to customer complaints personally and has proposed to maintain the center’s old software despite their being outdated. In addition, she has also installed broadband connection that replaced the dial- up connection service formerly used by the Business Center before she became the manager. According to her, this has dramatically hastened the quality and speed of service that the Business Center has been providing to its clients and the administration. Aside from this, she is currently proposing for improvements in the Business Center’s facilities, specifically, the widening of space and work area so that they will be able accommodate the requests of the business executives and long staying guests more effectively.

Ms. Lily also gives a high regard to customer satisfaction. According to her, most of the time her commitment to customer satisfaction is put to test in her role as the Business Center Manager. She narrates that there has been a lot of instances wherein she was pushed to go beyond her responsibility as the Business Center Manager just to meet the demands of clients. She recalled the times when guests refused to pay because of poor facilities but through her good communication and logical explanation, she manages to make them understand and pay. She also gives credit to her superiors who, according to her, have been very understanding and supportive of her leadership and negotiating style.

Ms. Lily shows great intellectual and mental fitness. This innate talent enables her to have a quick grasp of situations thereby making her appropriate for a position that requires high analytical skills. She is very much keen with deadlines and makes it an imperative to deliver on time. She has much respect for her superiors but does not need to be closely supervised by them. She prefers to have clear rules and guidelines and uses them as basis for her decisions.


Ms. Lily appears to be a social introvert. She prefers to have a one on one interaction rather than group relations. Despite this preference, she is still able to maintain a good work and social relationships with her co- workers and staff. More importantly, she is able to alter to a more assertive and sociable person when dealing with clients and supervisors. She comes across as a pleasant and simple person. She is open about her emotions, but is considerate of others and is very tactful in speaking her mind and feelings.

A forward thinker, Ms. Lily enjoys long range and conceptual planning. She welcomes new ideas and innovations and would like to keep herself up to date of the latest hotel technology. She is certain and confident that she can do a lot more in this hotel and wants to pick up the challenges that she may encounter provided the funds are available.

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• High analytical skills
• Tactful
• Forward thinker, a change maker
• Able to speak fairly good English
• Quick mental pace

• Needs to improve decision making abilities


Ms. Lily has been with Hotel Sun Jaya for 11 years. She first joined in 1991 and was given responsibility as the E.D.P. Coordinator whose main task was to train employees on computer related matters. After a year, she was promoted as the E.D.P. Manager of the Accounting Manager. In 1997, she was also appointed as the new Business Center Manager supervising four subordinates and helping them attend to client complaints more effectively. At present, she plays dual function as E.D.P. and Business Center Manager.

Ms. Lily displays mastery in her field. Her strong computer and technical background has enabled her to be intensely analytical when it comes to computer related matters. She is flexible and is able to do several tasks simultaneously. She has a high sense of responsibility and practices delegation of tasks to her subordinates. She practices a participative/ democratic type of leadership, but is able to be forceful if necessary. She adheres closely and refers most of her decisions and actions to hotel rules and procedures. She is creative and is sociable, despite her shy nature.

Based from the information gathered, Ms. Lily is considered to be highly appropriate for current responsibilities. Her duties as the E.D.P. and Business Center Manager require a strong computer- based background, which she possesses. Moreover, her natural interest and passion for computer development has proved to be beneficial for her career and to the hotel itself. From the findings presented above, it is concluded that Ms. Lily possesses highly relevant knowledge and skills that are much needed for her current roles and is therefore recommended for further career advancement.

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