Career in Oil and Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry is one of the biggest in the world and most lucrative. People can start a career in oil and gas industry and become financially wealthy and successful in just a few years, provided that they have the skills and put in hard work to make it big in the process.

Individuals should be particular about the type of job they wish to be assigned in because there are so many fields and categories included. Certain jobs will not require a college degree, but managerial positions and other key spots will need the right one.

About the Industry

A career in oil and gas industry will require the applicant to know more about the inclusions and subfields. During the interview, he will most likely be asked about the recent trends and news surrounding oil and gas. The person will also be asked about the main differences between companies and why he prefers to work in the one he applied for. It’s best to understand some of the common techniques and methods of extracting oil and gas and how these are converted into fuel for efficient use.

People should also relate their information with the current economic situation then determine the key roles in a number of subfields. The business continually grows and is expected to continue rising in the next few years.

The Available Jobs

There are so many jobs available to start a career in oil and gas industry. Individuals can choose to become a mechanical engineer, industrial engineer, electrical engineer, geothermal engineer, geodetic engineer, structural engineer, chemical engineer, derrick operator, IT specialist, extraction controller, mining operator, project manager, computer engineer, systems analyst, vehicle controller and many more.

Some of the jobs will only require a high school education but others will require a degree such as engineering work and being tasked inside a laboratory.

People will also be asked if they prefer oil rig jobs or if they wish to be assigned onshore or offshore. Aptitude and other related examinations will be provided to determine which areas will fit the person best and if there are certain exemptions to be made. An interviewing panel will also be present after the qualified ones have passed the initial stages. Interviews for the job are usually structure-based.

The Requirements

Applicants for a career in oil and gas industry should finish a four-year college course. Supervisor and managerial positions might require a master’s degree in business administration, management or the like. The requirements are usually posted by the oil and gas company in their website. Make sure that the resume is specifically designed according to the specific job aimed for by the applicant.

The applicant should also provide copies of training and continuing learning program certificates to prove his eligibility in the specific areas. Other requirements include actual training and experience depending on the company. The requirements will differ depending on the department and level. Visit online discussion boards and forums to learn more about the special requirements.