Managerial Achievement Quotient

One of the largest correlational studies of managers and management has recently been concluded and reported by Dr. Jay Hall and colleagues of Teleometrics International, a Woodlands, TX-based publisher and developer of psychological learning instruments. Hall’s study— actually a series of studies—compared test answers from a total of 16,000 high-, medium- and low-achieving managers on seven of TI’s test instruments.

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Designing Fast Track Career Plan

Fast-tracking high potential management and technical talent is a strategy many organizations are using to ensure that the good people they are able to attract are properly developed, effectively utilized and retained. The scenario goes like this: Sammy Starr is top dog of his MBA class at Famous University. Before “B” school, Sammy was a Phi Beta Kappa and swim team captain. From 650 Fortune 500 job offers, Sammy finally accepts an offer from Big City Bank.

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Principles of Behavior Modeling

Behavior modeling or imitation learning was a virtually unresearched and unknown topic prior to the 1941 publication of Social Learning and Imitation by Miller and Dollard. Their studies lead them to view imitation learning as a special form of the behavioral conditioning process.

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Essentially, the trainer must provide a sample of the behavior, the learner must respond in a way that matches the sample, and the imitation must be positively reinforced. In Bollard’s and Miller’s view, the “model” simply informs the learner where to go or how to behave for reinforcement. The learner does not acquire new, previously unexhibited behavior from the model. Though much of Miller’s and Bollard’s interpretation of results and theorizing has been questioned recently, they deserve credit for prim-ing the pump, for beginning to re¬search the question, “How and what do people learn simply by watching others?” Continue reading

Comfort Zone and Weak Leadership

Mr. Dean’s stay with the hotel has made him a tenacious worker. Despite his mastery in his field, he still gives high regard for details when making decisions or just simply going about his work. His high regard for details coincides with his pragmatic work style. The long service that he has rendered to the hotel has also given him a high tolerance for lack of order and has made him an unyielding manager and employee.

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However, at present, indicators show that he is not motivated in his job but claims that the laundry department still performs satisfactorily. He commented that he is working for the sake of working, and is just waiting for retirement day. When asked further, Mr. Dean expressed his grievances about the current condition of the aging laundry equipment and lack of chemical supplies plus the shortage in manpower yet a heavy workload of laundry washing. He said that these have been aging problems in his department and until now, the management has failed to take action on these issues. Continue reading

Member of the Labor Union

Mr. Messi began his career in this hotel in the laundry department and after 26 long years, he is still in this department. The length of stay in one department seemed to have frustrated Mr. Messi from the way he reacted and replied to questions during the interview. He emitted an air of sarcasm and pessimism showing little interest to the interview.

As refelected in his profile and observable behavior is his relatively low need to finish, low need to lead people and poor controls in monitoring the work and actions of his staff. Mr. Messi seems to have given up and prefers to lead in a highly democratic style. As an active member of the labor union, he seems to capitalize his role which he brings along on the job particularly in the laundry department. Continue reading

Working as an Engineering Staff

Mr. Senna has been in Hotel Sun Jaya as an engineering staff for 28 years, and has acquired many experiences and knowledge regarding his job. He uses his skills and knowledge to perform a systematic, orderly and organized job. He is able to produce the best result in his work by being a “smart worker” and by focusing on one task at a time.

According to him, he desires to give his best in all tasks given to him so he will be remembered fondly by his co- workers, subordinates and superiors when he retires. He is able to work well despite loose supervision from his boss, but desires to have a clear set of rules that he could follow and use as basis for his decisions. In addition, he believes that his strict adherence to the rules has resulted to a more organized working system for him and his department. Continue reading