Comfort Zone and Weak Leadership

Mr. Dean’s stay with the hotel has made him a tenacious worker. Despite his mastery in his field, he still gives high regard for details when making decisions or just simply going about his work. His high regard for details coincides with his pragmatic work style. The long service that he has rendered to the hotel has also given him a high tolerance for lack of order and has made him an unyielding manager and employee.

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However, at present, indicators show that he is not motivated in his job but claims that the laundry department still performs satisfactorily. He commented that he is working for the sake of working, and is just waiting for retirement day. When asked further, Mr. Dean expressed his grievances about the current condition of the aging laundry equipment and lack of chemical supplies plus the shortage in manpower yet a heavy workload of laundry washing. He said that these have been aging problems in his department and until now, the management has failed to take action on these issues.

When asked how he deals with this dilemma, he said that they just do the repairs and make do with whatever is available. There are times, when they have to run to next-door hotel (Le Meridien) for laundry services for Sun Jaya hotel guests.

Despite his laments, Mr. Dean is very keen with routine check- ups of equipments and stock inventory in his department. His subordinates, sometimes a bit too stern and unfriendly, regard his leadership trait as tough and sDeanct. He displays no difficulty in making routine decisions but will avoid the major ones especially if it is risk-laden.

He conforms to the rules and procedures unquestioningly and easily adapts to routine tasks without complaining. He demonstrates low energy level and may come across as passive. He adheres to the company rules and guidelines and seldom makes decisions beyond these policies. He consults the higher management when faced with a dilemma regarding an employee or situations that he does not usually encounter.

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As a person and a worker, Mr. Dean comes across as an introvert, a very reserved and quiet person. He has the ability to establish sincere relationships but has the tendency to be overly sensitive to others.

Although he may look composed and emotionally mature, there are times when Mr. Dean does not want to be told and may act defensively. He likes to give his comments but may react negatively when a critical remark is thrown back to him.

He appears to have a low energy level and passive. He is not easily open to change but shows some indications that he desires a change. This makes him internally restless which when not vent out at the right time, can cause him internal tension. When his profile and demonstrated behavior were analyzed, it was suffice to say that Mr. Dean appears to be on the verge of retiring and just needed a change, but uncertain of what he exactly wants.

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• Knowledge in laundry operations acquired through years of experience
• Displays sDeanct leadership style
• Enduring worker

• Emotionally suppressed
• Wants a change but is nursing uncertainties and grievances
• On the verge of retiring, not motivated to work further
• Needs to modify his interpersonal skills


Mr. Dean has rendered service to the hotel for 28 years now. He started of as a laundry operator and worked his way up to reach the managerial position that he holds now. His experience with the hotel plus the long service he has provided makes him knowledgeable in his current position.

Mr. Dean is an introvert. He is very quiet and reserved. He deems accuracy of details to be of high importance. Despite his high regard to details, he is pragmatic and has a high tolerance for lack of order. He displays ease in making routine decisions but difficulty in making decisions on situations that he does not usually encounter or those that requires risk taking. He appears to be passive and shows low levels of enthusiasm and energy. Although he has high leadership abilities, he fails to assert his ideas and suggestions and clams up to the management unquestioningly.

Mr. Dean has been in the employ of this hotel for 28 solid years concentrating only in the laundry department. During this time, he has been acknowledged for his good performance and has proven his loyalty to the hotel. His leadership ability however, is believed to be underdeveloped and appears to have no room for any further improvements. In addition, his display of authority and leadership to his subordinates is deemed to be unnecessary. He is believed to be residing in his “comfort zone” for it appears that he has no desire to be given a bigger responsibility and has failed to train a subordinate to be his successor. From the information gathered and evaluated, Mr. Dean is recommended to be enrolled in the Early Retirement Package Program.