Doing an Effective Marketing Research

Before you make any plan in marketing your product, the first thing you must do is conducting a marketing research. This is an important step to know how your future customers will respond to your product. Marketing research includes some aspects such as the market, customers, economical and political environments, and so on. Here you will find several tips to conduct a research in marketing. Continue reading

Brand Management and Managing Your Brand Identity

Due to the fact that a brand holds a tremendous value of product, brand management is thus made a study. How to increase customers’ awareness on the brand and how to protect and increase the good image of the brand are some questions a brand manager must find the answers.

A successful brand management will enhance customers’ trust and keep them loyal to the brand.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

How to manage your brand? Continue reading

Marketing Management and Market Analysis

The goal of marketing management is to create sales from customers and to enhance the number of trade throughout the year.

In materializing this goal, a manager must conduct several activities that include analyzing the market, making a plan, carrying out the plan and conducting market control. Here is the explanation for each of those marketing management principles. Continue reading

Designing and Delivering Great Marketing Presentation

After days of creating a grand plan, it is now time for you to prepare for a marketing presentation. Although it is not the sole determining factor that makes your plan success, a finely done marketing presentation will help your plan gather for an approval.

Here are the tips if you want to make your marketing presentation professional and interesting. Continue reading

Pricing Strategy, Promotion Strategy and Distribution Strategy

Marketing strategy is an important aspect to ensure the development of your business in the midst of today’s market competition. You must build a good marketing strategy which is then converted into daily implementation such that you can easily climb up the ladder of success.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on marketing management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

Some strategies deal with practical business operations such as pricing, promotion and distribution. Continue reading

Marketing Plan – How to Develop Great Marketing Plan

Marketing plan is the key success of marketing. That is the reason why you should prepare it well and in a careful manner. Some adjustments may be required when there is a change in the market, however, a finely crafted plan will start as a helpful guide for you and your team in running the company. In the instruction below, you will find how to create a good marketing plan. Continue reading