Investment Banking Strategy of Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs is recognized in the history of investment banking as one of the successful companies. This company is involved not only in investment banking but also in securities trading activities.

Since its establishment in 1869, it started as a partnership, but in 1999, it became a corporation. It does not only do investment banking but also engages in investment management, securities services and other financial services.

The good thing about Goldman Sachs is that they are committed on giving advice to companies on how to raise capitals, managing risks as well as in buying and selling businesses. Continue reading

Financial Strategy at Procter and Gamble

In waving the flag on top of business success will only mean one thing – that is a financial strategy. In the struggle of business competition, each company is armed with their personalized investment strategy.

Having a financial strategy will guide the company on how it will steer the wheel of the company in order to ensure that it will land on top of the Competition.

There is no such thing as a matter of luck in the field of business. Financial Strategy can delineate the mark between success and failure. Financial analysts and strategists are being employed in order for them to draft a Financial Strategy that can ensure the success of the company on the tough competition in the materialistic world. Continue reading

Operations Management and Operations Strategy at Samsung

Samsung is considered as one of the world’s leading providers of digital convergence technologies and digital media.

And due to that, whenever the word Samsung will be heard or whenever there is a new advertisement that are being presented by the company, most people will instantly be interested and turn their attention to know what the company’s new product is all about.

Samsung’s advertisement usually meant to feature new product that will be released in the market. The kind of product that will surely be liked by various customers since they knew that the digital media brand are only offering products and gadgets that are of high quality. Continue reading

How to Become Good Global Bankers

Global banking is now very popular when it comes to conducting business in different countries. It gives a great contribution to the economy of most countries. Global bankers are usually entitled as money masters. They are the ones who are knowledgeable and experts in global banking.

They are the ones that illuminate perspective in global banking. Global bankers usually deal from different regions and trace the great development in the international market and they highlight the principal distinction that has something to do with topical and important features.

They are usually the ones responsible in examining the finance of a particular country. They give focus on internationalization of the country’s finance and market reconstructions. Continue reading

Financial Strategy at Microsoft

Just staring at the word Microsoft, you can immediately sense the importance of this word. The word can quickly drive the idea of million dollars profit and earnings ad Bill Gates is considered as one of the wealthiest man that has ever walked the planet Earth. Microsoft got that image which even makes you wonder on how this company was able to get hold of such wealth.

Considered as one of the companies that has maintained the growth of its assets and capital. Financial Strategy at Microsoft is based on conservative financial accounting of which it is being believed to have increased its market value.

Probably, you might wonder what is meant when the market value is being used. Market Value refers to the brand value, customer loyalty and human capital. Continue reading

Operations Management and Operations Strategy at Boeing Co

Operation management is one of the aspects of business that need to be addressed well since this aspect is the key for the company’s success.

By carefully planning the operation of the business including all the steps that must be done when a problem occurs would prepare the operations management team in handling and settling the issue. The capability and the strength of the business are measured through this aspect.

With proper planning and execution of this combine with the knowledge of the people behind the management operation of the business, a company will surely be secured and remain strong no matter what challenges may come on their way. Continue reading