Detecting Lies in Job Interview

People should think twice before deciding to lie to an interviewer or panel if they wish to keep their job for long. There have been situations wherein people have been accepted into a company and then fired just after a few days or weeks as soon as the lie was discovered. The important thing to remember is that lies will always come out after some time and the credibility of the person can be ruined forever. There are ways for detecting lies in job interview. These are used widely by many interviewers when assessing applicants.

1. Inconsistent stories. If something real truly happened, it will be easier for the person to remember the events and sequences. If the stories are not true, the person will find it very difficult to arrange the facts and details. Interviewers will then realize that the story was only fabricated. For example, if the person says that he graduated in a certain university and can name some of his work-related experiences there, he should be able to remember it easily off the top of his head.

If the same question is asked on different occasions and the person provides different answers, then everything becomes inconsistent. Detecting lies in job interview will be done by asking the same questions over and over again.

2. Naming references. Detecting lies in job interview is also done by the interviewing panel by asking the person to name a number of references. The applicant should be able to names these people easily if he personally knows them or has spent some time under their supervision.

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The applicant should also cite certain experiences with the person. A lot of people lie about their references to provide the idea that they’re important and that the company should accept them because of their connections. It is a faulty approach and can be detrimental to the credibility of the person if he is found to be lying.

3. Body language. A person who is lying will be displaying different mannerisms and uneasy body language. When asked questions, the person will most likely look away from the interviewer when answering dishonestly. Body movements and gestures will say a lot whether or not the person is telling the truth.

Some of the telltale signs include scratching the head or ears, looking down or away, putting the hands in the pockets, breathing heavily, sweating, paleness, stroking the hair, arms or shoulders and tapping the shoes. The person should always stand straight and remain calm all the time. He should look at the interviewer directly in the eyes and avoid unnecessary movements.

4. Inaudible voice. Honest individuals are not afraid of telling the truth because they know that they can support their statements. Detecting lies in job interview can be done by observing the way people respond to questions. Most individuals who are lying are unsure about their answers and will answer in incoherent or inaudible tones.

The person might also stutter, speak very softly or have unusual mannerisms in the way of speaking. Communicating should be done directly and in a very confident tone. Interviewers will begin to question the person if he shows any sign of uncertainty or unfamiliarity.