Tips for Success in Job Interview

A lot of people get nervous and sometimes even blackout when preparing for a job interview. It truly can be a very unnerving experience especially if it’s their first time. Staying prepared will greatly enhance people’s confidence and knowledge and help them handle the situation in the calmest manner.

It’s important to know some of the basic questions that might be asked as well as take on the proper attitude that will help achieve the position. Here are some tried and proven tips for success in job interview. Continue reading

Job Interview: Dos and Don’ts

Regardless of what position people aim for and the conditions of the interview, it’s always helpful to stay prepared and know a few things about the company and position. People will send a very effective message of being the best candidate for the job by presenting themselves in the best manner and avoiding some of the common mistakes. When people master these job interview dos and don’ts, they will significantly increase their chances of getting accepted for the position. Here are some tips from the experts. Continue reading

Mistakes in Job Interview

A lot of people experience a few minor troubles when going for job interviews. However, there are the worst kinds of mistakes in job interview that people should avoid at all costs if they wish to maintain their integrity or still have a chance of getting accepted. Preparation is the key to success and giving a good impression. Some of these mistakes are considered unacceptable and can automatically disqualify the person from the list. Here are some tips. Continue reading

First Impression in Job Interview

When we are in the last year of our graduation, we have always been wondering that where we will be applying for a job. For that, we work very hard on making our CV or resume look as impressive as possible. Impressive CV and resume will play a role of getting us to the next stage which is considered as the most important factor in getting the job. Testing time would start when we get an interview call.

All of our education and good grades will come in handy whenever we get an interview call. From our childhood we have heard ‘first impression is the last impression’ and that is very important if taken seriously. There is a very slight chance that you might have to go through only one interview because nowadays as competition is increasing, you will be going through number of stages of interview. Continue reading

Detecting Lies in Job Interview

People should think twice before deciding to lie to an interviewer or panel if they wish to keep their job for long. There have been situations wherein people have been accepted into a company and then fired just after a few days or weeks as soon as the lie was discovered. The important thing to remember is that lies will always come out after some time and the credibility of the person can be ruined forever. There are ways for detecting lies in job interview. These are used widely by many interviewers when assessing applicants. Continue reading