First Impression in Job Interview

When we are in the last year of our graduation, we have always been wondering that where we will be applying for a job. For that, we work very hard on making our CV or resume look as impressive as possible. Impressive CV and resume will play a role of getting us to the next stage which is considered as the most important factor in getting the job. Testing time would start when we get an interview call.

All of our education and good grades will come in handy whenever we get an interview call. From our childhood we have heard ‘first impression is the last impression’ and that is very important if taken seriously. There is a very slight chance that you might have to go through only one interview because nowadays as competition is increasing, you will be going through number of stages of interview.

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If you succeed in making a good first impression, your work will become a lot easier in the next stages. We should also keep one thing in mind that it is not a piece of cake. There are number of job interview tips taught to us in our educational life so that we don’t mess up in the professional field. You should know these tips all along your life so that you never get into any type of trouble whenever you are in an interview.

One of the most basic job interview tips is to know your strengths, weaknesses, abilities and skills. You should always be aware of this stuff so that whenever you have to explain this in an interview, you are at ease in explaining. Questions will become very easy once you are familiar with your special skills and you will be more fluent with your answers.

Whenever you are applying for any organization, it becomes very important that you are fully aware of what that organization really is. There is a possibility that you might be even asked about that particular company or if you want to become more impressive in the eyes of the interviewer, you should speak up the recent trends which that company is going through. This would describe your interest level in that organization and also you will get an impression of the intellectual one in the eyes of the interviewer.

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All your intelligence level wouldn’t matter if you are not properly dressed to the occasion. Whenever you receive an interview call, whether they ask you or not, it becomes very important that you go there formally dressed i.e. dress pant, dress shirt, formal boots and tie at least.

You can also go for the coat if the weather is appropriate or if you are comfortable with it in any weather condition. Your personal presentation may cover some of the deficiencies which you may occur during the interview. Along with your dressing, you should be properly shaved and your hair should be combed as well. For every possible interview, you should look at your best.

These are some of the job interview tips, which you should consider when you are going to the interview, and it is advisable by our seniors and instructors to practice it in front of the mirror. It will help us in gaining the confidence which we would require there.

When doing practice, we should not forget the key things which we should take with us to the interview such as our resume, degree certificates and list of references. These are the basic stuff which you should keep with you all the time whenever you are about to go to an interview.

‘It is good to do everything on time’ this is something which we hear a lot in our life. For a professional interview, this theory needs to be changed a little because you should always be a little early whenever going to an interview.

It acts in your best interest if you stay on the safe side because there is a possibility that you might not be aware of the particular destination. There are also some of the other factors such as traffic or broken roads etc. So it becomes important to stay on the safer side.

One of the key job interview tips is to have a positive body language. Many things are included in this which starts with our handshake. We might not take this seriously but a strong handshake with a little smile on your face always leaves a good impression.

Also you should be excited about that job whether that is your first preference or not. You don’t want to show those people what you are feeling inside but instead be more enthusiastic about it and participate in every discussion which is going on there.

You might not be aware of the questions which will be asked in the interview but with the help of the internet, your work may become little easy. Many organizations have left their sample questions on their official website which would be asked in an interview just to prepare those people who will be applying for that job. This doesn’t mean that you should stick to that but you should keep an open mind about every question which is asked from you.

If you are not sure about the job title or its description, it is always fine to ask them about it. At the same time, don’t just show them that you know nothing. It is more like asking about the detail of the position which you have applied for.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, career strategy and personal development HERE.

Whenever you are done with the interview, it is very important that you appreciate the interviewer for the opportunity and it is advised that you should ask them about their business card for future reference. This shows the confidence and determination level of you for that particular organization.
All these job interview tips play a very vital role in getting you into that organization. You can also come up with something of your own but make sure first that it will cause no harm to your for that particular position.