Career In Google Or Apple Or Microsoft: Get A Job At One Of The Leading Companies Of The World!

Right now Google, Apple and Microsoft are the leading companies in the world. It is the dream of everybody to have a Career in Google or Apple or Microsoft. You can be sure to have a great Career in Google or Apple or Microsoft. These international companies are doing their best to get the cream of the world.Career in Google or Apple or Microsoft is reserved for those people who have great skills and amazing intelligence. Here are some of the jobs available in these companies. Continue reading

How to Get a Job in Google

Thousands of people dream of starting a career in some of the biggest companies. If applicants wish to learn how to get a job in Google, they have to know some things about the company first. They should also have the right skill set and knowledge that will make them highly eligible for the position they’re vying for.

There are a number openings and Google will most likely display these as well in various pages and online sites. Learning about the process and getting equipped will increase the opportunities greatly. Continue reading

Human Resource Strategy of Google

The human resource department of any company or organization like the one in the famous search engine company Google always has its own challenge. Their challenge is to ensure that all employees are encouraged and devoted to their jobs and responsibilities on the company with whole-hearted integrity and sincerity.

On the other hand, this department is also obliged to make sure that the dynamics of the market are not affected by the investments included in the practice and they are responsible for the human capital.

In other way, HR department must reflect as the service provider for all staffs and they must be treated in the same way with the customers. In that way, the entire standard of the customer satisfaction including the delivery will become simple to adopt and adjust. Continue reading

Marketing Strategy of Google

Who is never know with google?, Almost everyone who knew the internet would know google. Google known as the most powerful search engine that has helped millions of people to be able to find relevant websites based on the keywords given.

Actually, google was originally founded by two college students named Lawrance Page and Sergey Brin in which their research to the development google first held in garage of small house. But see, now Google is one of the richest companies in the world with revenues last year amounted to $ 33.3 billion, and let the 2 founders listed as top 5 richest people in the U.S. Continue reading