Member of the Labor Union

Mr. Messi began his career in this hotel in the laundry department and after 26 long years, he is still in this department. The length of stay in one department seemed to have frustrated Mr. Messi from the way he reacted and replied to questions during the interview. He emitted an air of sarcasm and pessimism showing little interest to the interview.

As refelected in his profile and observable behavior is his relatively low need to finish, low need to lead people and poor controls in monitoring the work and actions of his staff. Mr. Messi seems to have given up and prefers to lead in a highly democratic style. As an active member of the labor union, he seems to capitalize his role which he brings along on the job particularly in the laundry department. Continue reading

Creating Labor Union

Mr. Boby has spent almost 17 years of his career life in the restaurants of Sun Jaya Hotel. From preparing and cleaning restaurant equipment to managing its operations, he exudes an air of authority with the tasks and duties involve in supervising his 21 staff. He is able to do several tasks at a time and regards his work as something important. At present, he also acts as the treasurer in the labor union, a role, which he seems to feel proud of.

As a leader, Mr. Boby said he never stops motivating his staff through the daily morning briefing. He acts not just as the man-in-charge but as their advisor as well. He keeps on reminding the staff of their roles and how their performance will affect the restaurant’s operation and impact to guests as well as to their “service” incentive. When further probed, it appears that the subject matter in his “motivational talks” are more to salary matters rather than the actual waiter-related tasks. Continue reading

Labor Union and Management

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.

Behind his calm and relaxed appearance, Mr. Johny is a tough and persistent worker who makes sure that his tasks are completed based on prior work plan and schedule. He has accumulated 20 years of collections experience and claims that honesty, perseverance, persistence, and diligence are the essential ingredients in order to be successful in conducting this kind of job in collections.

Towards his team, Mr. Johny always emphasizes on following work schedule persistently as he will monitor its progress through daily reports. He applies a situational leadership style as he would become tough or supportive depending on the situation. In the normal situation, he will only monitor the work activities of his subordinates because the work system and schedule are already well set up. Continue reading