Strong Organizational Commitment

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Mr. Herry was “fresh from the oven” when he started in Sun Jaya’s Personnel Department. As a daily worker, he was a persistent young graduate who was tasked to organize the hotel’s employee data base. As he climbed the organizational ladder, he demonstrated hard work and coped with the challenges in personnel especially the never ending labor union issues. After almost ten years, he achieved his career goal as Personnel Manager although, he laments that his salary is not commensurate to the workload. In spite of that, Mr. Herry works with dedication and is highly committed to his tasks. While he has the ability to work on several tasks at a time, his innate preference is to handle one task first and see it to completion. Continue reading

Organizational Commitment

Mr. Ron has worked for Sun Jaya Hotel for more than 25 years. Through out the years he has been known as a hard worker who conforms to the hotel’s rules and procedures. He considers Sun Jaya not just a place to earn but also as his own home, this shows a very high sense of belonging and organizational commitment. It seems that this perception of “this is my home” was instilled into him by Bapak and Ibu since the first time he worked here. With this in mind, Mr. Ron has always shown nothing but his best.

He would arrive at 10:00 AM and immediately get on with his daily task by checking the function room and briefing his staff regarding upcoming events. He plans ahead before occasions and assess possible problems before they arise. As a leader and head of his staff he is known to be very strict and the no non-sense type. When facing problems he would first analyse the situation, and explains to the wrongdoer where he went wrong and what he should have done. Continue reading