Strong Organizational Commitment

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Mr. Herry was “fresh from the oven” when he started in Sun Jaya’s Personnel Department. As a daily worker, he was a persistent young graduate who was tasked to organize the hotel’s employee data base. As he climbed the organizational ladder, he demonstrated hard work and coped with the challenges in personnel especially the never ending labor union issues. After almost ten years, he achieved his career goal as Personnel Manager although, he laments that his salary is not commensurate to the workload. In spite of that, Mr. Herry works with dedication and is highly committed to his tasks. While he has the ability to work on several tasks at a time, his innate preference is to handle one task first and see it to completion.

The nature of personnel work requires Mr. Herry to be careful in decision making. He said that he must communicate to management first any major decision especially if it would affect the employees in general. He would be detailed studying all angles in order to arrive at a smooth and well thought of decision. For him, solving different problems and handling a variety of concerns from his co-workers are the challenges that go with the work and he claims that his is the part in his job that he likes most. On the other hand, Mr. Herry may find himself in distress when snap decisions are called for.

His leadership style is influenced by the concept which he introduced that “Personnel is employees’ partner, a friend to support employees and not an enemy”. He leads in a participative style where he allows and solicit opinions from others. He adopts the “open door policy” approach so that employees can freely talk to him about their needs. He also acts as the advisor and a listener who shows consideration. According to him this style seems to work in this environment and as a proof, for two years now, there is a harmonious relationship between personnel and labor union. Meanwhile, this may be interpreted by others as being soft and weak and can get easily manipulated by others. When things get rough, this kind of person would prefer to go back to the written rules and company policies but will hesitate to show dominance.

When asked about some of the ideas he had initiated, he enumerated the suggestion box corner, an internal hotel tabloid for employees which will feature about hotels’ activities, new personnel, new transfers and other issues which are important for all to know. He also introduced and campaigned that everyone is a “salesman”. He described this as a sense of awareness to remind everyone to promote the hotel because more guests means more income for the hotel which means more income, too, to the employees.

Mr. Herry prefers to work at his own pace because he is able to organize his time appropriately. At the same time, he is flexible and available when his presence is required. He pays close attention to details and balances his work by applying practical and theoretical aspects. If possible, he prefers crystal clear rules in writing than the spoken rules. An example was the most recent salary adjustment where he spent a lot of time meeting with the labor union officers. He has ample amount of stamina to manage by walking around the hotel premises and to cope demanding tasks.


Mr. Herry comes across as a calm and gentle person. He appears to be a selective socializer who would normally prefer to work than chit chat. He would appreciate team’s effort but he tends favor a one on one interaction. HIs profile indicates that there is a certain need for closeness and affection from individuals rather than groups. As A Personnel Manager, however, he maintains objectivity by understanding the needs of the people. He can be considerate but within limits. He does not look as the forceful type or the aggressive dominant leader. Instead, Mr. Herry prefers to be diplomatic in his approach in order to avoid conflict. However, when forced, he does not hesitate to terminate the offender even though it can mean losing his position.

Mr. Herry prefers everything to run smoothly and to make all parties happy, a win-win situation. He brings out an idea by immediately applying it on the scene and convinces his peers to support him. Variety and openness to change are also challenges to him.


• Highly task committed
• Able to communicate and negotiate in a diplomatic manner
• Uses a participative style of leadership
• Careful in making decision

• Needs formal training in Human Resources
• Needs to improve his English
• May be too thoughtful for an action, may have difficulty when snap decisions are called for
• Slightly demotivated due to heavy workload and responsibility
• Feels that compensation is not commensurate to his efforts

Mr. Herry has served the organization for 12 years now. A self-starter, he started his career as a daily worker, grew up in the job and is now occupying the highest position in Personnel. His law background has also supported his role when it pertains to manpower l and labor laws.

To date, he has a list of major accomplishments in his capacity as Personnel Manager. Amidst the financial situation in Sun, Mr. Herry speaks with pride the good relationship between management and labor union where he uses his diplomacy and good negotiation skills. At work, Mr. Herry endorses transparency, honesty and strict adherence to company rules. He does not portray a dominant leader but he has the confidence to control the work and action of his subordinates by using an effective communication style. An area which he needs to improve is his decision making style, he should be able to handle on the spot decisions and lessen seeking approval or support from top management. Likewise, he should be more assertive to fight for his right especially if he thinks he deserves it and he is on the right side.

Based on the above findings, we find Mr. Herry has the appropriate work style and strong organizational commitment. He believes he can still do much for the organization but he needs formal technical training to make him an effective manager. We recommend Mr. Herry for further career development and that management extend the motivational support he needs. A one on one discussion with him could be the first step.

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.