People Development and Career Path

Executives play a powerful role in people development because virtually every decision has development implications. The strategic planning process, budgets, organization structure, promotion and career pathing practices, company policies, management systems, management style all of these business terms bring to mind the value of human resources, while setting the boundaries and tone for employee growth and development.

In most organizations these boundaries need to be carefully reexamined for their effects on productivity, satisfaction and development. Executives who do not respond to this challenge risk losing their best people and stifling the creativity and commitment that make organizations great. For very practical reasons, new human resources management and development practices are needed in most organizations: Continue reading

Manager and People Development

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.

Mr. Deny is the type of worker who has high sense of responsibility. In his position as Assistant FO Manager, he is able to divide his concentration to do several tasks at a time. Aside from handling major duties, he also likes teaching and giving technical training as he puts much concern on people development. He encourages his supervisors to teach the staff and give them opportunity to conduct technical training on regular basis. Mr. Deny sees his work as something enjoyable. Being one of the ex- back office staff, he has modified his personality characteristics to serve guests and supervise frontliners.

Mr. Deny has good analytical and conceptual skill. He enjoys the time developing training modules, and applying theories and ideas when teaching his staff as well as handling his daily tasks and problems. He is also highly concerned about the accuracy and completeness of data. He is systematic and makes sure that all documents are put on file in neat and orderly manner. He is creative in developing simple forms and work systems so that his staff can handle their tasks more efficiently. Continue reading

Manpower Planning and People Development

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.

Mr. Sody has been working in Hotel Sun for 23 years in the steward division of the Food and Beverage department. He started as a member of steward staff and has been able to advance to become the current chief steward of the hotel. He earned the Employee of the Month award in 1980 and has been able to make developments in his career faster than anybody else in the hotel since then. According to him, unlike the regular career path for stewarding, he was able to skip one level and reached the next higher level of position earlier than normal. Specifically, this incident occurred when he was banquet steward where he was promoted to Supervisor Steward position. He believes that he was given such recognition because he was hard working and did not refuse taking the night shift when he was still a banquet staff member. Continue reading