Training for Sales Process

Training in the nature of the sales process. An attempt to make a sales neophyte into an effective salesperson by teaching him or her only one of the many sophisticated sales techniques probably would not work and might even be detrimental.

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Seldom will one approach to sales work with more than a handful of customers. The many situations a salesperson confronts on a daily basis are too varied to be accommodated by one approach to the sales process.

It makes much more sense to help the trainee understand the essence of the sales process so that the person can tailor his or her own approach to a given sales situation.

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It is far easier to teach this than to try to teach a perĀ¬son how to construct a conviction sales modulus or utilize a features-ad vantages-and-benefits approach. After the individual has had some exposure to selling and fully understands the nature of the sales process, it will be easier for him or her to learn sophisticated sales techniques.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

The advantages of this approach for the company training the new salesĀ¬person are numerous. It saves time because it eliminates the need for early training in specific sales techniques that may not be useful. It allows the company to show the sales process in a mode suited to the image the company wishes to project. And it helps build the trainee’s confidence because it’s easy to understand and apply in numerous sales situations.

Source Training Magazine. Written by : Daniel K. Weadock