Key Steps in Developing Training Materials

The material consists of three introductory training and materials are then grouped into 4 stage. The following are some of the introductory training materials :

The introduction : explaining the purpose of life on earth. We must be sure that each person supplied with something unique so give ability of each man to achieve success. That is why as humans, we should implement all the skills that we have. Continue reading

Training and Development of Human Resource

Between training and development, they have a different purpose. Training aimed at improving the ability of individuals according to the current position or job.

The objective of development is to improve the ability of individual employment. It is really important to the interests of office or employment in the future. With different objectives, then both of these also have a different target. if training is intended for short-term performance, the development is intended to long-term performance. Continue reading

What is Action Based Training ?

One of the goals that employers must meet is to have a safe working environment. This means that all of the employees are free from danger, eliminating the risk for injuries, and preventing loss. And this is the key role of many businesses either it is the largest or being the smallest.

But this goal must achieve the safety measures through action-based training. In each worker in their positions must need to learn the specific procedures and understand its extreme importance even to the smallest details of the safety policies.

An example of it is utilizing computer software, videos, workbooks, and external conferences to gain knowledge and up-to date informations of safety procedures. But this is not only the way on how to have action-based training for safety and health measures. Continue reading

Sales Training and Product Knowledge Training

By taking good care of the customer and assuring that the product which is being sold or service being provided is of quality, a company makes sure that it is doing successful selling. It is helpful for the effective working of sales person if they are working for a company that has good rapport and sales quality products and services. Continue reading

How to Evaluate and Measure Training Quality and Effectiveness?

Quality is word, like professionalism, that trainers tend to use with some abandon. The problem is that quality has a lot of definitions. So before I discuss how to assure and control quality, let’s establish a definition of that somewhat elusive word.

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The bottom line on training quality is the degree to which trained personnel perform successfully on the job after training. Quality is the sum total of a number of contributing factors and can be seriously reduced by any one of them. Continue reading

Training Assessment Methodology

All program assessment can be divided into two types— process and outcome. Process-oriented assessments are structured to collect information on what happens to people undergoing a training experience.

And outcome approaches focus on the changes (both positive and negative) that happen to the individual and/or organization as a result of training. Both types of assessment are frequently used to evaluate the success of a training effort. Neither of these assessment techniques to promote and better understand transfer effects is used often enough. Continue reading