Performance Management Review

(You can download excellent powerpoint slides about personality and career management HERE ).

Ms. Mary is a simple worker, the doer type who will complete a particular task assigned to her as soon as she can. When performing her tasks, she will exert reasonable amount of energy to gain meaningful achievement. At present, she is assigned to manage guests at the executive floors which seems to be more of a public relations and stationary type of work.

Ms. Mary does not project herself as a strong leader. When managing her staff, she prefers to use the combination of her personal approach and clear defined written procedures rather than power. For instance, she extensively utilizes a communication book as useful tool to give written instructions to her staff. However, as their superior, she has genuine intention to develop her staff by sending them to relevant training programs. This step, she believes, will help them to improve their skills and increase their knowledge which could later support them on the job.

While she feels comfortable to think in the big picture perspective, she prefers to apply practical thinking in resolving problems. In addition, she would check every detail of the problems and tasks to ensure that they can be completed well. She also has preference to refer to company’s rules and supervision to guide her in doing daily tasks.

The nature of her work requires her to interface with different types of guests. For this reason, Ms. Mary prefers to work at her own pace or more to a slower than fast tempo. She cited instances when she directly approached prospective customers who apparently eager to move to more luxurious rooms. In a persuasive manner, she invited them to see the executive rooms and convinced them to book that room rather than standard ones. Most of the time, this method worked successfully, she stated, and she had received commendations from guests who enjoyed and were satisfied due to the warm personal service extended to them by Ms.Mary and her team.


Ms. Mary appears as patient, friendly and sociable person. She is an extrovert who is willing to build social relations with others. She communicates her opinions articulately and politely — displaying an aura that she has genuine eagerness to serve others/customers. Emotionally stable, she is basically an employee who likes a variety or works. She is also a forceful type of person – meaning that she demands her staff to spark their best efforts to gain maximum results.


•Has empathy and patience in serving customers
•Has genuine care to develop her staff
•Projects as friendly and sociable person

•Imperative to learn Japanese language to support her interface with Japanese as prospective hotel guests
•Needs basic supervisory/managerial skills training
•Relatively slow moving worker


Ms. Mary started her career in Mareridin Hotel as a restaurant bar cashier in 1981, In 1992, after almost 11 years, she became front office cashier. She was promoted to become assistant executive floor manager in 1998.

Ms. Mary comes across a capable employee who has interest in working with details to ensure that her jobs are completed satisfactorily. She exudes warmth and personal touch in her interface with people, two distinctive characteristics which strongly supports her in her role as her main task is to serve. While she may be appropriate handling guests, she must be advised to improve her leadership skills and exert more willingness to monitor and control her staff’s works to be more effective in the future.

Ms. Manik expressed content and is happy in her role. There is no indication or desire to strive further for success nor to move up the organizational ladder. She seems to just enjoy work and puts her family as first priority saying that higher position will demand more time thus decrease family time.

Overall, we find Ms. Mary is appropriate to maintain her current position at the current situation. When the demands of the job increase and gets more challenging, there are indications that she will find difficulty to cope because Ms. Mary limited potential for further development.

(You can download excellent powerpoint slides about personality and career management HERE ).