A Dominant Leader and Style of Working

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Mr. Torres does not project a dominant leader. He apparently does not have either much eagerness to dominate others or intention to use a formal line of authority to give instructions to his staff. Rather, he uses his social skills specifically, his soft personal approach when leading people. In other words, when he needs assistance from his staff, he tends to be careful and requests in such a way that he does not come across as a demanding person who is vigorous and forceful. This approach has worked well with his subordinates, both from his and other departments, because they can easily follow his instructions. He also narrated that when his peers encountered difficulties dealing with their own subordinates, they would ask Mr. Torres for help; as a result, resistance problems were resolved immediately. It is for this ability, that he could create conducive workplace where his subordinates felt safe and happy.

Mr. Torres demonstrates an organized style of working. He would be very uncomfortable when tasks are not handled systematically. He would be reluctant to orchestrate multi tasks simultaneously as he prefers to do one particular task at a time. Combined with his high attention to detail, Mr. Torres’ workstyle supports him to create a neat and orderly flow of his daily activities with a strong tendency towards perfectionism.
However, this rigid style of working could make him appear inflexible especially when dealing unexpected events or chaotic situations.


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Mr. Torres comes across as a serious individual, someone who emits an air of authority. He is accommodating and approachable but does not seem to be the type who favors too much socializing at work. He is warm and has an ability to utilize his charm to get other people to accomplish his objective. He answered questions in Bahasa Indonesia in a convincing manner. He has also an ability to control his emotions and constantly present himself in a calm and detached appearance. He is not a demanding person who continually enforces his staff to get things done. Indeed, it is for this reason, his staff apparently like him a boss.


• Organized and systematic workstyle
• Has good versatility in detail
• Able to utilize personal touch in accelerating accomplishment of tasks

• Rather slow in completing tasks
• Tends to be inflexible
• Could be perceived as soft and weak leader.


Mr. Torres has spent his career mostly in the front office department. He started his career as doorman, steadily moved up the ladder, and finally in 1996 reached the highest position in front office as Front Office Manager In 1998, he assigned to become Night Manager. Unlike the previous post, he does not have many subordinates in this present position.

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Mr. Torres has portrayed himself as serious and a respected authority who strongly utilizes his personal warmth and charisma to inspire others. Despite this gentleness, however, he maintains his image as a leader and continuously monitors the work and action of his subordinates. He does this to ensure that the work plan is followed and daily activities are handled systematically. His tendency to pay close attention to details, neatness and order and strict adherence to company policies are positive work traits which enable him to complete his tasks. On the other hand, people may find him too inflexible and unyielding.

Furthermore, he is not a forceful leader who puts strong demand on his staff to express their best effort and get things done quickly. Rather, he tends to appear as a soft leader and slow leader; and this style could be seen by his staff as a portrait of weak – not firm – leader.

Based on the above findings, we find Mr. Torres is a capable employee although not appropriate in his current position as Night Manager. Although he has a charismatic way in leading people, it appears that for a Night Manager, a firm leader is more approrpiate. It is important to consider his work traits before rotating him to another position. We refer him to you for your technical evaluation.

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.