Style of Leadership and Communication

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Ms. Leony has acquired more than 20 years of experience in hotel management, specifically in the banquet department. As a worker, she prefers to accomplish one task at a time and see it through to completion. Detail oriented, she puts great importance on the accuracy of details since the nature of her work involves a lot of administrative details such as especially assembly schedules or preparation of wedding events. She knows the needs and demands in a service industry because she has spent half of her life in this role.

As a Banquet Manager, Ms. Leony’s style of leadership is by way of teaching her subordinates. She monitors them closely and assigns tasks, which she deems is appropriate to their capabilities. Furthermore, she delegates and share tasks among her subordinates clearly and efficiently to ensure delivery on time. She is able to tell and enforce discipline to her subordinates when they make mistakes. Similarly when making decisions, she involves her team, gets their inputs but has the final word. She supports her decision based on her past experiences and weighs pros and cons before taking an action. At present, she revealed that she is now in the process of grooming potential candidates who can replace her in the future. Admittedly, she enjoys and loves her work and would like to see the continuity and progress of this department when she retires one day.

Ms. Leony handles problems quickly by taking into prime consideration the satisfaction of customers. She tries to the best of her abilities to fulfil the customers’ needs. On the creativity side, she assists the future bride and groom to look for alternative wedding themes. In addition, she is resourceful enough to offer wedding souvenirs or other wedding items to complete the service. For this, she feels an accomplishment every time customers are satisfied and pleased.

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Ms. Leony is very sociable and communicative person. She enjoys people interaction enabling her to make friends with many people. She is convincing thereby clients entrust her to create events for them. At the same time, she is able to build and foster a close, honest and open relationship with and among her subordinates.

Emotionally mature, Ms. Yus claims she is very happy with her life, work and family. She has achieved her goals and claims the she is just using her time productively by helping Hotel Sun Jaya. She likes doing many activities and is flexible. She is able to adjust to any situation quickly. She avoids conflict and tries to find objective solution for everybody.


• Sociable and accommodating
• Open minded, takes inputs from staff or others
• Puts emphasis in neatness and order
• Resourceful

• Has the tendency to overlook some important aspects at work

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Ms. Leony is relatively new with the hotel who was hired last October 2000 as a Banquet Manager. Prior to her present occupation, she was a manager in Hotel Kartika Candra for 29 years where she occupied various positions. Suffice to say, her educational background plus her work experience supports her well in hotel management (food and beverages, housekeeping, property).

Ms. Leony loves her life and enjoys work. Her social nature and work personality. Personal qualities appropriately compliment her current position. She likes to help people and see them happy. She does her responsibilities as the hotels’ wedding consultant with mastery and professionalism since this department is one of the biggest income contributors. She also trains her subordinates in preparation for her replacement. She claims that she has achieved to improve the Bridal Display Centre by initiating a change in location. Despite her short stint, she seemed to have accomplished more than what her predecessor did. An area she needs to look into is her tendency to be impatient with her staff, despite their close relationship.

Ms Leony has more than adequate and rich hotel work experience, which she brings along with her to Sun Jaya Hotel. Her entry to this organization could be valuable by way of sharing her knowledge and training potential candidate who is likely to replace and continue the success of the wedding department. On the other hand, Ms. Leony capabilities have reached its optimum point and admittedly, happy and content in her career but may not be able to cope with any dramatic change. We recommend keeping her in the present position.

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.