Security and Safety Manager

Mr. Sean is a steadfast worker who believes in the spirit of togetherness. He thinks that constant motivation to his subordinates and teamwork are great ways in getting tasks done. For 22 years, he has worked for the hotel and has endured lots of stress and worked during the toughest work hours. However, he persists and never complains because he admits that the work atmosphere “kekeluargaan” has helped and kept him enjoying working for this company through the years. For this, he received an award for Masa Bakti 10 years and 20 years, showing his dedication to the company.

For the past nine years he and eight other supervisors are divided into 3 shifts and this 53-year-old supervisor takes the 3pm to 11pm shift. He and around 17 security guards under him patrol and keep things safe during their shift. He always made it a point to motivate and encourage his people during work. He also proposed to his superior to train new comers regarding security education (pra-satpam). Working for the company for quite some time made him notice the tools lacking or required to increase security effectiveness, things such as new walkie-talkies, hand cuffs, wooden sticks, etc. Despite this, he claims that security and safety has been good at the hotel.

Mr. Sean is very organized and demands complete attendance from his staff. He gives warning to those who do not report in for work. When it comes to making heavy decisions he consults with the Duty Manager for guidance, however, when confronted with small problems he always refers to the hotel’s rules and regulation to make the decisions.

One handicap of Mr. Sean at the moment is his failing health. He seemed to have used up his energy in his younger and early years at Sun Jaya which makes him a simple worker, “doer type” who may be just waiting for the time to retire. When asked about recent experiences, Mr. Sean cannot remember many things anymore which could be attributed to age and his physical condition.

Mr. Sean’s social nature indicates that he is a sociable person. He is approachable yet he can be tough and forceful. He can also be demanding especially when things are not running according to his standards. He is likely to insist on what he believes is right. However, during the meeting, Mr. Sean appeared to be a quiet and calm person who answered questions briefly. This may be because he has just recovered from a mild heart stroke. At 53, this retiring man said he got two more years to go before retirement. He honestly admitted that he is old and can not think much, he does not even know what his personal strengths are. What is important for him is his closeness to his team.


• Persistent and dedicated worker
• Displays high organizational commitment
• High concern for those working with him

• Has problem remembering small details
• Admits that he is old and getting slow
• On the verge of retiring, no need to strive harder


Mr. Sean has shown dedication and commitment by serving Hotel Sun Jaya for 22 long years. From security guard to Supervisor Coordinator, he has become the maestro in his field, supported by years of experience.

His concern for improvement by wanting to train new recruits showed us his passion for his work. The “sarana” is one thing he demands to be improved to enable the security team to work more efficiently. Mr. Sean seems to have reached his peak and is just working for the sake of working till retirement day comes. Looking at the nature of the job and considering Mr. Sean’s current situation, we recommend that management offer him an early retirement scheme or release him from his physical duties. He may be more appropriate to conduct in-house training so that he can share his security function experiences. However, it may take some time because he seems to be recuperating from his recent illness.