Career Development and Career Planning

For HRD professionals, the career development task in the 2020s will be to balance the individual’s needs for freedom and growth with the organization’s needs for productivity and results.

Most existing career development systems will continue to maintain the basic components of career development. These components include:

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1. Techniques for individual self-assessment: Skills, interests, preferences, values and constraints such as family needs, geographical location, financial pressures, etc. Continue reading

Strong Leadership Qualities

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Mr. Brian is a single-track minded worker; he prefers to work on his tasks one by one until it is completely done. He dislikes being interrupted while he is in the middle of working on one task. However, he claims that there is always something urgent given from other department or management to be able to settled first. Therefore, he needs to adjust and change his priority in this situation.

Mr. Brian is able to use shortcuts in anticipating limited budget and sources in handling maintenance activities. He said that he acquired this through trial and error from his lengthy years of experience. While this approach has worked successfully, he feels uncomfortable because he believes that engineering tasks should follow work and maintenance standards that of a 5-star hotel. Continue reading

Career Development for PR Manager

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Ms. Julia appears to be very happy with her current responsibilities and role as the PR Manager In-charge. She finds her work enjoyable and may be considered a “smart worker”. She is extremely organized and systematic. She gives a prime on details and is impartial when it comes to decision- making. She displays a reasonable level of commitment and zeal to her job and desires on further improving herself.

At present, Ms. Julia’s leadership skill and her confidence to play a leadership role are still under developed. Despite this deficiency however, she has a high sense of responsibility for herself and for others, which is an indication of a natural leader profile. She delegates tasks to her subordinate and values her inputs and suggestions, but still prefers to oversee an operation or a project. At present, she has only one subordinate whom she treats as a partner rather than a subordinate. She prefers to analyze every detail of a situation or dilemma before making a decision, but is also able to make “quick- snappy” decisions if necessary. Continue reading

Career Development as A Wedding Consultant

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.

Ms. Kiki projects herself as a person with a high need for achievement. When handling her tasks, she would put extra effort and work very hard to ensure that everything is running well and finished on time. In assuming the role of leader, she is less likely to use formal authority or line of command to instruct her staff. Instead, she gives freedom and empowers her staff. Although she has no strong tendency to control others, she has high need to be forceful. This means that she demands her staff to demonstrate best efforts in accomplishing tasks. She also relies on working procedures and job description and periodically checks the work and action of her subordinates. Continue reading

Career Development Plan

Ms. Jeany portrays herself as a hard intense worker who enjoys challenging tasks and prefers to be deeply involved in a variety of jobs. Once she is given a particular job, she will focus on that job and commits herself to successfully complete it. Young and energetic, she radiates the aura of optimism and aspiration to achieve meaningful accomplishment.

At present, she has no direct subordinate – therefore, she does not have opportunity to express her leadership skills. Nevertheless, in her previous work experiences she displayed strong leadership abilities by being a coordinator of events. She and her friends grouped together and organized events. As the leader, she prefers to give freedom and empowers her staff as she herself also likes to be treated the same. Thus, she will feel uncomfortable if her boss or superior applies strict supervision on her while at work. Continue reading