Performance Management in 3M

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Performance Management (PM) is the 3M Company’s name for its highly successful program of positive reinforcement to achieve specific, measurable gains in job performance. At 3M Company in Canada alone, it produced savings “in excess of $2.56 million” from January to September 1978. Furthermore, says Henry J. Marsh, personnel develop¬ment coordinator of 3M Canada, “I wouldn’t be surprised if we had a total of $4.3 million by the end of the year, including savings of $1.835 million in 1977.

Marsh began the program in 1976, a year after it was introduced by the 3M parent company in St. Paul, MN. (See “How Behavior Modification Improves Productivity at 3M,” TRAINING, October 1976.) Performance Management was developed by 3M’s Education and Training Department to help first-line supervisors increase their effective¬ness through measured results, in¬creased productivity, employee satis¬faction and personal growth. Continue reading

Training and Job Performance

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

Just as eating is the only reason for cooking and providing transportation the only reason for making cars, so job performance change is the only reason for train¬ing. However, the training field is not characterized by high degrees of accountability or concern for job per-formance change. Managers demand sales, not selling activity and pro¬duction, not plant operation. Why then, do they generally demand training rather than job performance change?

Job performance change is not to be confused with behavior change. Striking the keys is the typist’s be¬havior; the memo produced is an as¬pect of job performance. Any time a trainee passes a test or masters a skill, his behavior undergoes a change, but the job performance may or may not change as a result. Continue reading

Job Performance, Job Satisfaction and Pay System

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR management, business strategy and personal development HERE.

A lot has been written and claimed about the relationship among job performance, job satisfaction and pay. One theory suggests that contented workers, like contented cows, produce more of whatever they are supposed to produce than do discontented workers. Pay, on the other hand, has been an enigmatic part of the formula. Motivation Theorist Hertzberg claims that pay has a limited effect as a satisfier. Other researchers like Cherrington and Luthans claim money has more of an impact. At the extreme is CEO/author Richard Sloma, who says that there are only three keys to motivation and satisfaction— money, money and more money. Continue reading

A Decisive Leader and Job Performance

Mr. Gary demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility. He believes that he is accountable for all his subordinates, the whole food and beverage business and the revenue generated by his department. To be able to handle the massive task that is placed upon him, he delegates some of these responsibilities to his immediate subordinates and other staff. He makes it a point to implement a simpler and easier manner of deciding on things and doing various tasks.

He could be classified as a “smart- worker” rather than a hard worker. He displays flexibility in his work and in dealing with clients and other guests as well. Although he adheres strictly to hotel regulations, he is highly pragmatic and bases most of his decisions regarding the F&B businesses on the most practical of reasons. He possesses a strategic mind and is able to critically analyze the situation that is presented before him. Moreover, he also holds a macro perspective and is able to see the “bigger picture” of a situation. Continue reading

Job Description and Job Performance

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.

Mr. Jameson is a theoretical type of person who likes to analyse and handle problems carefully. His daily activities include evaluating the work of his staff, coordinating and monitoring what was briefed in the morning, and reporting to property manager. He makes suggestions that would ensure higher efficiency and effectiveness in executing job responsibilities in his department, delegation of tasks to his staff and a more systematic and organized system to monitor their performance. He is also able to perform routine tasks satisfactorily and claims to love and enjoy his current job. Continue reading

Workload Analysis and Job Performance

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.

Mr. George has been working in the Engineering department for 28 years. He is knowledgeable in his field and has vast work experience in doing his job. He uses a technical and systematic approach in performing and finishing tasks and prefers to attend to one matter at a time. His job requires high accuracy and precision skills, which he confidently posses. In 1977, his performance was recognized by the management and was given the Employee of the Month award. At present, he is happy and feels that he has an advantage compared to his peers because of his educational background and tenure in the hotel. Continue reading