Style of Leadership and Communication

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Ms. Leony has acquired more than 20 years of experience in hotel management, specifically in the banquet department. As a worker, she prefers to accomplish one task at a time and see it through to completion. Detail oriented, she puts great importance on the accuracy of details since the nature of her work involves a lot of administrative details such as especially assembly schedules or preparation of wedding events. She knows the needs and demands in a service industry because she has spent half of her life in this role.

As a Banquet Manager, Ms. Leony’s style of leadership is by way of teaching her subordinates. She monitors them closely and assigns tasks, which she deems is appropriate to their capabilities. Furthermore, she delegates and share tasks among her subordinates clearly and efficiently to ensure delivery on time. She is able to tell and enforce discipline to her subordinates when they make mistakes. Similarly when making decisions, she involves her team, gets their inputs but has the final word. She supports her decision based on her past experiences and weighs pros and cons before taking an action. At present, she revealed that she is now in the process of grooming potential candidates who can replace her in the future. Admittedly, she enjoys and loves her work and would like to see the continuity and progress of this department when she retires one day. Continue reading

A Dominant Leader and Style of Working

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Mr. Torres does not project a dominant leader. He apparently does not have either much eagerness to dominate others or intention to use a formal line of authority to give instructions to his staff. Rather, he uses his social skills specifically, his soft personal approach when leading people. In other words, when he needs assistance from his staff, he tends to be careful and requests in such a way that he does not come across as a demanding person who is vigorous and forceful. This approach has worked well with his subordinates, both from his and other departments, because they can easily follow his instructions. He also narrated that when his peers encountered difficulties dealing with their own subordinates, they would ask Mr. Torres for help; as a result, resistance problems were resolved immediately. It is for this ability, that he could create conducive workplace where his subordinates felt safe and happy. Continue reading

Strong Leadership Qualities

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Mr. Gerrard regards his job as something important. He has already worked for 12 years as steward staff and is familiar with steward’s duties and responsibilities. As Assistant Chief Steward, Mr. Gerrard works according to routine work schedule and event order from C&C department. At present, he is pushed by the situation to be able to create shortcuts in anticipating the needs of customers. He claims that the management should be aware that after so many years, the dining equipment and utensils need to be changed to meet the 5-star hotel standard of quality. Otherwise, it would affect the hotel’s image in the future. Continue reading

Leadership Style

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Mr. Dany has reached his goal in so far as his career as an engineer is concerned. He has been working in the field of engineering for 28 years and to date is the Head Electrical Engineer of Apartment Meridianty. As the incumbent Head Electrical Engineer, he is tasked to coordinate and manage operations of the Engineering department in Apartment and report to the Assistant Chief Engineer during his shift. His work is comprised mostly of administrative tasks mostly 60 % on paper works such as preparing the agenda, reporting and filing of needed equipment and other related paper works. Only a small fraction of his job require him to apply his technical knowledge and skills such as troubleshooting faulty equipments and assisting his staff in doing actual engineering work. Continue reading

Job Responsibilities and Performance

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Mr. Alex started working in Hotel Green in 1974 as Steward. He became a Banquet Waiter after one year and moved to the coffee shop, still as a Waiter, after five years. In 1981, he became the captain and held this position for four years before being transferred to the Room service division as Room service captain. In 1990, he was promoted as the Room service assistant headwaiter and was finally the Room service headwaiter in 1995. His persistence in doing his job has earned him the trust of the food and beverages manager. His responsibilities include preparing room service reports, managing his staff through his supervisor, controlling food quality and hygiene; and preparing a new set of menu selections every six months. It can be inferred from his responsibilities that his job requires accuracy of details which he has already mastered for he admits to have a high regard for details and its’ precision. Continue reading

Workload Analysis and Job Performance

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Mr. George has been working in the Engineering department for 28 years. He is knowledgeable in his field and has vast work experience in doing his job. He uses a technical and systematic approach in performing and finishing tasks and prefers to attend to one matter at a time. His job requires high accuracy and precision skills, which he confidently posses. In 1977, his performance was recognized by the management and was given the Employee of the Month award. At present, he is happy and feels that he has an advantage compared to his peers because of his educational background and tenure in the hotel. Continue reading