Good Job Knowledge and Rich Experience

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Mr. Jensen is happy with his current job because of the variety that he gets in cooking. He enjoys being in the kitchen and has rich experience and knowledge in cooking. He is responsible for all cooking operations in the banquet kitchen, such as checking the preparation of raw materials, menu, cooking process, and quality of food and performance of the staff. He displays a high commitment in finishing a task and prefers to do work in a systematic and orderly manner, as these are imperatives in his job. l When doing the job, he tries hard to do the best and finish it perfectly. He shares that he has garnered quite a number of recognition in his career as a chef in Crown Jaya like best employee of the month, best manager of the year, best supervisor of the year and was a runner- up in a cooking contest in 1996. Continue reading

Career and Work Experience

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Mr. John has accumulated vast work experience after being with the hotel for 26 years. He began his career in Hotel Emerald as a room attendant and has worked his way to reach his current position as the Executive Housekeeper. He has high regard for details for his job mainly deals with administrative tasks such as supervising, monitoring, checking the Housekeeping staff and their performance. He also prefers to prioritize his task so it will be easier for him to finish and be in control of his work. He strives to do the best in all tasks and to accomplish them as perfectly as possible. Upon retirement, he aspires to be an academician and share his knowledge of the hotel business to budding hoteliers. Continue reading

Decision Making Process

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Mr. Greg seems to be content with his present position and not driven to meaningful achievement. Satisfied with his current condition, he apparently has little push to achieve the best result. As a manager, Mr. Greg tends to use autocratic style of leadership. He maintains intensive control and less willing to create broad participation among his staff in decision-making process. He also displays forcefulness in instructing his staff to do their tasks. While this step may be effective in applying order of rules and create obedience, it can also irritate his staff and produce counter productive responses.

In approaching problems, Mr. Greg tends to combine analytical and practical perspective. He narrated that he rarely encountered serious problems in his workplace other than dealing with anger and drunken customers. In this case, he would deal with them calmly. If customers’ behavior were getting worse, he would coordinate with security to resolve the problems. Continue reading

Understanding Customer Satisfaction

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Mr. Jack has been in the food and beverages department for 20 years and for this 46-year-old cheerful person, work to him is something pleasurable and important. When asked, what makes him stay here this long, he said that it is human relations between departments and organizational familial atmosphere or the so-called “kekeluargaan” that made him enjoy working for Jackson Hotel. In all his working career in the hotel’s restaurant, he only focused on one thing that is, customer satisfaction. The happy and contented type, Mr. Jack puts much effort and dedication as Head Waiter in River.

He claims that his day-to-day challenge is customer satisfaction. He tries to understand the need of the customers and will do whatever he can to accomplish satisfying his customers. To him, customer satisfaction is a priority. He admits that he even gets into trouble trying to satisfy this goal by being creative and resourceful. He starts his day at 10am and immediately checks on his staff and the smoothness of how things are going. Once a week, he would allocate some hours to train his staff and having gone through numerous training seminars, Mr. Jack seems to show his technical competence and confidence in training. Continue reading

Employee Assessment

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Mr. James depicts the profile of a dedicated and disciplined employee. Considering that he is just a junior high school, he compensates this limitation by constantly displaying a good moral character and strict adherence to code of work ethics. Likewise, he continually works hard to accomplish assignments satisfactorily. From his examples, it appears that he has maintained a good track record as far as obedience and discipline at work is concerned. He claimed that he had never been absent in every single working day during the 23 years of his career in Jameson Hotel. His strong endurance in working has earned for him the award as Best Employee of the Year in 90’s.

As a leader Mr. James applies relatively strong control to monitor his own as well as staff performance. He puts emphasis on the detail of his work to ensure that everything is taken care properly. He checks his staff works closely and pays attention to every corner of the public area to monitor whether his staff has done their tasks appropriately or not. Continue reading

Performance Management Review

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Ms. Mary is a simple worker, the doer type who will complete a particular task assigned to her as soon as she can. When performing her tasks, she will exert reasonable amount of energy to gain meaningful achievement. At present, she is assigned to manage guests at the executive floors which seems to be more of a public relations and stationary type of work.

Ms. Mary does not project herself as a strong leader. When managing her staff, she prefers to use the combination of her personal approach and clear defined written procedures rather than power. For instance, she extensively utilizes a communication book as useful tool to give written instructions to her staff. However, as their superior, she has genuine intention to develop her staff by sending them to relevant training programs. This step, she believes, will help them to improve their skills and increase their knowledge which could later support them on the job. Continue reading