Career Development for PR Manager

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Ms. Julia appears to be very happy with her current responsibilities and role as the PR Manager In-charge. She finds her work enjoyable and may be considered a “smart worker”. She is extremely organized and systematic. She gives a prime on details and is impartial when it comes to decision- making. She displays a reasonable level of commitment and zeal to her job and desires on further improving herself.

At present, Ms. Julia’s leadership skill and her confidence to play a leadership role are still under developed. Despite this deficiency however, she has a high sense of responsibility for herself and for others, which is an indication of a natural leader profile. She delegates tasks to her subordinate and values her inputs and suggestions, but still prefers to oversee an operation or a project. At present, she has only one subordinate whom she treats as a partner rather than a subordinate. She prefers to analyze every detail of a situation or dilemma before making a decision, but is also able to make “quick- snappy” decisions if necessary.

Ms. Julia believes that creativity in Public Relations is an imperative. She is aware of the great responsibility that she, along with her subordinate, have to the hotel. According to her, the other departments rely on Public Relations to creatively execute their ideas and concepts to promote their respective departments and products and so far, she has been able to satisfy their expectations.

Being in a service- oriented organization, Ms. Julia is ever mindful of the importance of customer satisfaction to the hotel’s business. In her case, however, she caters mostly to the PR needs of other departments rather than the guests and according to her she has been able to satisfy the needs of her “immediate” clients in so far as PR is concerned. The recent launching of the Internet system, which further improves Hotel Sun Jaya’s image to the public is one of the projects that resulted to high satisfaction of Ms. Julia’s immediate clients.

Ms. Julia appears to be physically fit to meet the demands and stress that is associated with her job. She is motivated by the challenges that a situation might bring and finds achievement when able to finish such challenging tasks. She prefers to have precise rules and guidelines, but is flexible enough to go beyond the protocol if the situation calls for it.


Ms. Julia comes across as a pleasant person. She is able to establish good rapport fast and is a good conversationalist. She is also very articulate and is able to express herself well in English. She appears to be at ease with people and is also able to make the other party comfortable. She values smooth interpersonal and work relations with her co-workers and subordinates. She tries to avoid conflict with others by being extremely patient and suppressing her emotions. According to her, what she likes best about her job is that it allows her to meet new people and friends. She has a healthy sense of humor and possesses a positive disposition.

You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.


•Easy going smart worker
•Sociable and articulate
•Has creative ideas

•Lacks the confidence to assert ideas


Ms. Julia currently holds the PR Manager In-charge position. Previously, she was the Assistant PR Manager of Hotel Sun Jaya. Before joining Hotel Sun Jaya, she worked for two years in a hotel in Maldives, Colombo. While in Maldives, she was able to penetrate various departments, thus making her familiar with almost all hotel operations. After returning to Jakarta, she was hired by Café Wien as the Corporate PR officer and worked there for five months.

Ms. Julia is a very sociable person. She establishes good rapport quickly and is a good conversationalist. She is articulate and exudes confidence and certainty in answering questions. She is very optimistic and comes across as a pleasant person. She seeks challenges for self- improvement and sets high standards for herself and her work. She is highly organized and systematic. She is able to attend to a number of matters simultaneously paying close attention to every detail. She exercises a participative type of leadership and values harmonious work and personal relations with her co- workers and subordinates.

From the information gathered, Ms. Julia appears to meet the requirements that are needed for her current job position. Her previous work experience in Malidives, Colombo and Café Wein provided her with the knowledge that is of high relevance to her current position. There is great potential for her to develop her leadership skill and fully exercise her leadership authority once a decision regarding her probationary status has been made. It is for these reasons that Ms. Julia is seen to possess potentials that, when realized, will be of high value and benefit to the hotel.