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Mr. Harry is an organized and tidy worker which is probably due to the nature of his job as a housekeeper. From the lengthy years of work experience in housekeeping, this has made him the practical person he is today. He handles problems quickly using his knowledge gathered from past experiences. Task committed, he will not stop something he started until it is finished.
Mr. Harry is very disciplined and strict when it comes to the rules and regulations of the hotel. He is always on time and he trains his staff to also be on time. He coordinates his crew with authority and is always consistent regarding the consequences for disobedience. He tries to guide them so they can work carefully, which are the important part of housekeeping. He would talk with his staff personally even outside the job. As an example, he does not tolerate non-serious workers during working hours, but lightens up and jokes around with them after work.
His strict adherence to the rules and procedures has resulted to his ability to make fast decisions. Sometimes he can be so rigid but realizes that this is the proper procedure to follow. Even though he collects relevant information to help him make his decision, he still refers to the rules for guidance, which is adhering with the live stars hotel standard. His strict compliance to the rules has also limited his creativity for he is unable to innovate solutions to help him solve problems and merely relies on the given and established solutions that are according to rules. Realizing that the number of employees working in the hotel is insufficient, he makes it a point that everybody does the job effectively and maximizes their skills.
Mr. Harry deals with guests politely and apologizes if a mistake is made. He always tries and fulfills their needs and request for the sake of the hotel’s image on cleanliness. Even if he knows that the hotel has limited supplies and resources, he tries to give his best for the guests. For instances, he manages the schedule of his staff to work efficiently so all areas can be cleaned or he uses hand rather than the machine for the best result because there is no chemical for illumination the floor. When encountering a customer complaint he explains to them about the hotel procedures.
Mr. Harry admits being an uptight person although he can be flexible if necessary. When it comes to work however, he applies his own methods and expects all his staff to abide by it strictly. Despite his tough and firm way of doing things, he has a healthy social life. He likes to make friends and chitchat with his staff after work. However, he gains his respect from employees in Hotel Sun Jaya for being strict and wise. He always knows what to do or say at any situation due to his high level of self-confidence. Despite this image, he is patient when dealing with his staff and the guests.
He communicates in a straightforward and assertive manner. He speaks a bit loud, which can be misinterpreted as impolite and dominant. However, he said that his way of speaking does not seem to offend people instead he can convince hotel guests and his co-workers especially when he is trying to explain his stand or justifying situations.
• Optimistic; holds a positive disposition
• Strict and disciplined towards his staff
• Has rich experiences and knows how to apply them
• Applies a personal approach to socialize new procedures to the staff
• Needs more flexibility to adapt with different types of personalities
Mr. Harry started his work as a room boy in 1976. After six years, he was promoted to be a floor supervisor in 1982 and went on to become a night housekeeper. In the year 2000, he got promoted to be an assistant executive manager controlling the public areas’ housekeeping.
Mr. Harry is very strict when it comes to rules and procedures. His leadership and decision-making skills are based on the rules. He tries to manage his staff by enforcing discipline and trains them to clean the hotel with a sense of awareness. His co-workers and subordinates respect him because of his consistency and competency in handling the job. Sometimes he is too meticulous about the procedures and that can make him too rigid, nevertheless, he feels it is necessary in his job. He maintains his objectivity in his work, which is to make guests feel comfortable by keeping and constantly monitoring the hotel’s cleanliness, despite limited resources.
Based on the above findings, Mr. Harry has the appropriate training and experience to maintain his position. He is good at his job, but needs to be more flexible. Likewise, his rich experience qualifies him to be a trainer in housekeeping because he usually deals with new daily workers who are not experienced in housekeeping who eventually, turnout to be good housekeepers. We recommend him for further career development and to get technical training on latest housekeeping methods. His supervisory skills can also be further improved to make him more effective and efficient in the future.
You can download brilliant powerpoint slides about Career Management and HR Strategy HERE.