Motivation at Work

Mr. Dick regards his job and position as something very important. He is currently happy and contented in his current role as Assistant C&C Administration Manager. He is focused in handling his tasks and is willing to serve his customers at his best by using his interpersonal skills.

When asked about his daily activities, he claims that most of his time is spent to meet customers. He informs them about technical specifications, i.e. hotel facilities, size of stage, tables, and other equipment and gives necessary suggestions based on their needs. He enjoys meeting customers and feels a sense of appreciation when people say “thank you” to him for the service he had provided.

Mr. Dick does not have strong leadership qualities. He is effective and seems contented in the subordinates’ role. He is a doer type who works and acts according to job description and company objectives. He follows work procedures and will try his best to support his superior and person in authority.

He is very keen in handling details and claims his knowledge on technical matters and administration details as his major strength. He even says that nobody wants doing his job because the details are too complicated. His work style shows him to be neat and meticulous when managing his tasks and activities. He says that he always makes sure that all reservations and the needs of customers are recorded properly.

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Mr. Dick comes across as a friendly individual who tries to give us a positive impression. He is very proud of his involvement in handling and supporting big events inside and outside the hotel.

His social nature shows him to be a truly extrovert. He loves being recognized by people around him and enjoys the spotlight. He is effective in the group situation and enjoys dealing with others on one-to-one basis. While his interpersonal skills can be seen as his major strength, there is a possibility that he can waste time with unnecessary social chitchats and amenities. Moreover, this may also lead him to be subjective when dealing with people.

Mr. Dick seems to be happy in his current position. He does not need much variety to keep up his motivation at work. He says that actually there are offers to work outside Jakarta but he cannot move because of family issues. Emotionally, he is calm and projects a patient personality. He feels uncomfortable if facing antagonistic situations and will avoid entering conflict situations as much as possible.


• He likes his tasks, which deals with a lot of detailed work.
• He has own style in presenting himself-making social contacts easy to initiate.
• He likes social interaction and enjoys meeting new clients or customers.

• He has high need for recognition. He may oversell his own capabilities.
• He may encounter difficulty in operating in loosely defined situations. He only works effectively within structured environment with clear guidelines and procedures.
• He adapts to work routine and is happy as it is. He may be resistant to change.
• He has a tendency to be pretentious and overacting just to create a good initial impression.

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Mr. Dick has been working in Sun Jaya hotel since 1979. Starting his career from daily worker, he became permanent a year after when he was assigned in the banquet operations as waiter. He became Captain Waiter and then Head Waiter due to his good work and contributions. After working for about 10 years, he was transferred to the administrative side. His position was Assistant Banquet Administration Manager (or so called Assistant C&C Administration Manager) and he holds this position up to now. He is under the direct supervision of the C&C Manager and works as a team with other department or section, such as food and beverage, C&C operations, etc.

Mr. Dick’s strengths lie on his interpersonal skills. He enjoys meeting and giving the best service to clients or customers. He enjoys spotlight and has own style in dealing with others. A good follower, Mr. Dick will work within company rules and regulations. He is a company loyal who is supportive and accommodative to his superior and towards the organization. On the weaknesses’ side, we find him pretentious, and overacting to please others and create a positive impression. He may need time to accept change and tends to maintain a traditional approach in handling tasks. He is only effective within structured environment. He is still dependent to the organization and his boss to get support in conducting his role.

Based on the above findings, we find that Mr. Dick is satisfied and proud to be in his current position. His interpersonal skills are his major strength; and this is supporting his position as Assistant C&C Administration Manager. Considering his lack of potential for further development, we have reservations in recommending him to a higher position.