Personality Assessment

As a worker, Mr. Zen displays strong need for achievement and tends to focus on finishing a particular task before moving on another task. He displays a strong desire to work hard in order to achieve his work goals. (You can download excellent powerpoint slides about personality and career management HERE ).

As a chief in his department, he seems to use an iron hand approach in giving instructions and managing his staff. He is type of leader who is not willing to provide freedom and participation to his staff in doing their tasks. Instead, he will show his power to control his staff’s works to ensure that they did their jobs according to procedures. For instance, he checks the store room on a regular basis to monitor his staff’s work and to ensure that everything is in proper order. Beneath this strict enforcement and control, Mr. Zen admitted that he is forced to apply this style because the nature of the job requires for such. Nevertheless, the combination of his strong needs to control and his high attention to detail makes him a rigid and inflexible leader who is likely to irritate his staff. However, he believes that his style of working is effective in helping him to enforce discipline and code of good conduct amongst his staff.

Mr. Zen displays a relatively high level of initiative. As an example, he introduced a book as means of communication tool to monitor his staff’s works. Recently, he started to rotate his staff to do other tasks within the department to avoid boredom and at the same time to develop a well-rounded or multi-tasked staff.

In decision making, he tends to appear slow. On the contrary, when it comes to accomplishing tasks, he tends to be fast and action-oriented. When probed, he revealed that he has just assumed this position two months ago. Therefore, he is relatively new in a decision making process and does not want to commit mistakes. He would rather be slow and avoid errors.


Mr. Zen comes across as a sociable person. He does not hesitate to mingle with anyone, however, he would prefer a one on one than group interaction. He has tendency to build close relations with somebody he likes or trusts. This could also imply that he may show subjectivity in his relationships,

Mr. Zen has high regard for himself and likes to be given attention and recognition for his good performance. He tends to get easily demotivated if he is disregarded by his peers or bosses. He is apparently not able to express his opinion articulately. His speaking style also tends to be too plain and does not demonstrate a good diplomatic manner.


• High need for achievement and works hard to achieve his aspirations
• Organized type of person
• Firm in enforcing discipline

• Has tendency to be inflexible person
• Has tendency to be autocratic leader
• Slow in making decisions
• Poor communication skills


Mr. Zen started his career as a Buss Boy. He then became Waiter in a restaurant and moved up until he became Chief Waiter in French Grill Restaurant. He was transferred to Cost Control in 1990 as Assistant Chief and became Chief Cost Control in April 2002.

Mr. Zen appears as a hard intense worker who strives to meaningful achievement. He prefers to utilize the hard-hitting approach in leading his staff and displays an autocratic type of leader. His interpersonal skills and communication skills also tend to be marginal. These mediocre interpersonal skills, combined with his high attention to detail and his strong need to control may make him a rigid and inflexible leader who can easily displeased his staff. Nevertheless, he believes that his style of leadership is effective in helping him to enforce discipline and work ethics in his workgroup.

Overall, Mr. Zen has proven to the management that he is a capable and responsible employee. However, it seems that he has utilized his capabilities to the optimum and does not qualify for further promotion. For this reason, we do not recommend Mr. Zen for further career development.

(You can download excellent powerpoint slides about personality and career management HERE ).