Three Types of Business Strategy

What makes Microsoft superior? And, why Nokia able to become the customer’s most wanted cell phone product ? And what makes BMW for many years became the icon of the prosperity, and the people keep hunting it ? (You can download excellent powerpoint slides about blue ocean strategy HERE ).

Learn from the success stories of the leading global companies in servicing the customer, seems that there are some wisdoms to learn. The main lesson is : that the process of servicing the customer eventually must starting by choosing the right strategy. In other words, the process of servicing the customer need is not just appears from the sky, but it must be synchronized with the chosen corporate strategy that has been decided.

In this context, it appears three strategies tactic that often applied by the world-class companies. The first strategy is choosing the strategy that focus on the product leadership orientation. The company at this category is always tries to create their product at the premium quality, and always be the one step ahead compare to the competitor’s product. They are not reluctant to provide the enormous fund for their Research Development division in order to create the fantastic product. Intel who’s known with their Pentium series, might be the most perfect example for this category. The pharmacy companies such Pfeizer, who became famous with their Viagra product, is a great example too. And of course, we must mention BMW and Ferarri, the two automobile producers who always create the legendaries and gorgeous product.

The second strategy is the choice that focuses on the operational excellence orientation. For the company in this category, the most important thing is building the super efficient business process. The expectation is, within this efficiency process, they would be able to push the production cost, and in the end, they would able to sell the product at more competitive price. Dell, the Texas computer company is the exact sample to discuss in this category. With the highly efficient business model and process, the able to create the desktop products with the more competitive price compares to their competitor such IBM and HP.

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The last strategy is choosing the strategy that focus on the customer intimacy orientation. For the company in this category, the most important thing is building the intimate relation with their customer, hoping that they may have an eternal relation. Many companies in the hotel and airlines field applied this strategy to build the customer’s loyalty. Harley Davidson is known as the company who have the amazing intimate relation with their bikers; those they able to build a very intense fanatic with their billion fans all around the world. (You can download excellent powerpoint slides about blue ocean strategy HERE ).

Absolutely, many companies also combine those various strategies above; they are not only focus on one strategy. Honda, for instance, besides known as the company with the superior products, is also known having the highly efficient business process. And, mention the Singapore Airline as the other example. Beside their fantastic product, those companies also have the great ability in building the intimate relation with their customers.

Above are the three business strategies tactics that worth to be applied. A sequences strategy that presented in highly precision would be a warranty to lead the business player into the victory chair.

(You can download excellent powerpoint slides about blue ocean strategy HERE ).