Becoming an Effective Front Office Manager

Mr. Rudy is responsible and committed to his job. He prefers to finish his task one by one and is organized and systematic. From his experiences in Front Office, he is used to work in an orderly and planned manner. Personally, he has a strong preference to do his work perfectly and has low tolerance for mistakes and errors. Despite his efforts, however, he admitted that he finds it difficult to realize this need because errors cannot be avoided since he has to coordinate with different parties.

At present, Mr. Rudy’s leadership skills are underdeveloped for he only has one subordinate and usually ends up doing the job by himself. He exerts effort, however, to perform his role as a supervisor to his sole subordinate by defining what task should be done and be given primary priority. He instructs his subordinate by using a persuasive and educative approach, telling him in a calm manner what and how things should be done. Continue reading

Creative Talents and Career Goals

Mr. Rientar has been dealing in art and designs for almost 28 years, despite that fact that he has no formal art or design educational background. It started as a hobby because he enjoys graphics, which led him to be the sole person in-charge of the hotel’s promotional materials. The hobby, which turned into his major profession, he supported himself by taking art courses and interaction with other artists from different hotels. He was responsible for the creation of the hotel’s art department and claims that he is continuously devoted to this field.

Mr. Rientar is passionate about this position and wants to bring out the best in all his artistic designs. He is responsible for all the banners, pamphlets, sign that we see around the lobby and the different restaurant outlets. He desires to see Sun Jaya to be promoted and be able to attract guests and diners not only by way of sales, marketing or public relations but also by way of his designs. At present, he is the only one in the hotel who is tasked with the responsibility of art creations. He aims to be the best art director and wants to see the Art Department successful to achieve his goal. Continue reading

Social Relationship and Job Skills

Mr. Sani projects himself as a leader who has strong need to control his staff. He does not hesitate to closely check and monitor every single task that his staff have done to ensure that each job has been finished properly. Equipped with his high attention to detail, he is able to detect any single mistake that his staff may have done and then takes immediate action to correct it. For instance, on a regular basis he checks the correctness of his staff job in accounting the inventory level of linen. If he finds any error, he immediately invites his staff, shows the error, and then asks them to correct it. Indeed, these strict and consistent controls have helped him a lot in maintaining the good quality of his team performance. Continue reading

Developing Supervision Skills

Mr. Peter is the type of worker who prefers to work on his tasks one by one until it is done. He says that it is a burden if he cannot finish one task on time or else he will delegate to his subordinates to avoid any delay. He enjoys doing his tasks like a hobby and sees his work as something not requiring intense effort. He is happy in his current position and already familiar with his tasks, making him no need to put extra effort in handling his daily activities.

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Mr. Peter is a practical worker; he mostly responds quickly to anticipate daily work problems. He uses his past experience and gut feeling when solving problems. He mentions the time where there was an event wedding for 2500 persons and there was a shortage of supplies such as glasses/cutlery. There was pressure from top, as he will be fired if the event was not successfully managed. To solve this, he personally went out to buy 600 pieces of new glasses with his own money. The problem was solved and the wedding reception was managed successfully. Continue reading

Creative Solutions and Leadership

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Mr. Tony depicts the profile of a dedicated and disciplined employee. Considering that he is just a junior high school, he compensates this limitation by constantly displaying a good moral character and strict adherence to code of work ethics. Likewise, he continually works hard to accomplish assignments satisfactorily. From his examples, it appears that he has maintained a good track record as far as obedience and discipline at work is concerned. He claimed that he had never been absent in every single working day during the 23 years of his career in Sun Hotel. His strong endurance in working has earned for him the award as Best Employee of the Year in 90’s.

As a leader Mr. Tony applies relatively strong control to monitor his own as well as staff performance. He puts emphasis on the detail of his work to ensure that everything is taken care properly. He checks his staff works closely and pays attention to every corner of the public area to monitor whether his staff has done their tasks appropriately or not. Continue reading

Training Manager and Social Skills

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Ms. Lenny regards work as something important. When she works she tends to exert extra effort to achieve her goals and bring out the best in her. She is the type of worker who prefers to work at one particular task at a time and see it through to completion. However, she has learned to be flexible in her line of work and adaptable to the needs of the situation which are sometimes unpredictable.

Ms. Lenny enjoys the role and responsibilities of being a leader. She uses her social skills in managing her subordinates, and the people who works with her. In her new role as Training Manager, she enjoys to teach and share her knowledge to others. Despite her limited knowledge in training, she tries to come up with new ideas such as short courses on table manners, telephone manners, hospitality management and others related to social graces and ethics. Continue reading