Manpower Planning and People Development

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Mr. Sody has been working in Hotel Sun for 23 years in the steward division of the Food and Beverage department. He started as a member of steward staff and has been able to advance to become the current chief steward of the hotel. He earned the Employee of the Month award in 1980 and has been able to make developments in his career faster than anybody else in the hotel since then. According to him, unlike the regular career path for stewarding, he was able to skip one level and reached the next higher level of position earlier than normal. Specifically, this incident occurred when he was banquet steward where he was promoted to Supervisor Steward position. He believes that he was given such recognition because he was hard working and did not refuse taking the night shift when he was still a banquet staff member. Continue reading

Need for Achievement and Communication Skills

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Mr. Sandy appears as a person with high need for achievement. To achieve his goals and aspirations, he is willing and able to undertake multitasks simultaneously. He also has high need to assume role of a leader. As a leader, he does not like to use strong control to monitor his staff’s performance. Instead, he allows his staff to do their tasks freely for as long as they follow the established rules and procedures.

Mr. Sandy has an ability to make quick decisions and responds quickly to problems. He prefers to use practical approach in resolving job problems. He also has relatively fast work pace when doing his tasks. However, he tends to overly depend on rules and instructions or supervision from his boss. While this attribute may help him to create order and clarity, it can also cause him to be inflexible and too dependent on other people. Such dependency diminishes his potentials to be a self-starter and room for creativity. Continue reading

Personality and Job Style

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As Senior Sous Chef, Mr. Samy can handle several cooking tasks at the same time. He divides his concentration and efforts to be able to serve customers’ orders. He is already familiar with the food and menu in the main kitchen, and really knows it by heart. He enjoys cooking and is able to create and modify the ingredients of the food so that they become more tasty and appetizing. Thus, he seems to regards work as something enjoyable, like that of a hobby.

Mr. Samy works according to basic recipes in the main kitchen menu. He is able to combine the basic menu with his past experience, so that the food can have better taste. He enjoys personally handling detailed tasks and is concerned about its accuracy and completeness. As a cook, he always makes sure that all ingredients are complete to be able to prepare the dishes as the order comes. He does not seem to mind an untidy set up, as he claims that sometimes cooking can be messy especially when he has to be quick to cook then serve. For this reason, he maintains flexibility in his work style. Continue reading

Job Achievement and Career Life

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Mr. Tonie appears as a relatively hard worker who has aspiration to produce significant achievement in his career life. In the role of being a leader, he tends to become a relaxed and tolerant leader who prefers to understand people’s feelings and needs. To accomplish the tasks, he generally would use more personal approach than line of authority. However, he does not hesitate to exert intense control toward his staff’s works. As a leader, he also makes special efforts to develop and nurture his staff for he believes that the success of team performance come from the whole team and not just from him as their leader.

Mr. Tonie does not feel comfortable to see the problems from the perspective of ‘big picture’. He also does not display expertise in the area of analytical or theoretical abilities. Rather, he approaches the problems through practical way. He also tends to be very quick in decision making to resolve problems. Combined with his fast working tempo, this quick decision making can accelerate the process of completing tasks. However, his extreme pace in making decisions can also create hasty and marginal decisions that is likely to bring negative impact on the quality of his works. Continue reading

Job Promotion and Career Management

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Mr. Tabrani has been working in Hotel Sun for 25 years and started as a steward. He is a fast resolute person who wanted to study about cooking and he took the chance that was given to him by Sun. After 11 months he got promoted to a cook helper. Through hard work and perseverance, he eventually became the junior sous chef. Assigned in the main kitchen, he works together with the other sous chef for the preparation of daily menu as well as managing the kitchen staff. Together they prepare breakfast and lunch for most of the hotel outlets and room service.

Mr. Tabrani enjoys cooking and expressed that he wants to keep on learning so that he can achieve his goal to become a Sous Chef one day. With the current heavy workload he encounters, he has to get used to work with many tasks at one time. Continue reading

ISO and Standard of Quality

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Ms. Reny is a focused worker who never gives up in order to complete her tasks properly. She claims that she was suddenly assigned to be ISO person in charge by the management, even though she does not know anything about it. However, she did not feel down and started to get to know about ISO from her contacts. She uses her network – other ISO person in charge from other companies and the ISO certificate company – to get information and guidance as much as possible. Aside from that, she took the initiative to learn by reading the ISO manual and tries to implement it to her tasks.

At present, Ms. Reny’s duties are related to maintaining a high standard of quality by ensuring that work system and procedures are implemented properly. One of her major tasks is to maintain a good control of all pertinent documents of all operation departments. Therefore, she needs to be very careful and thorough, as she must check whether all rules and work procedures are meeting the ISO standard. Continue reading