Organizational Commitment

Mr. Ron has worked for Sun Jaya Hotel for more than 25 years. Through out the years he has been known as a hard worker who conforms to the hotel’s rules and procedures. He considers Sun Jaya not just a place to earn but also as his own home, this shows a very high sense of belonging and organizational commitment. It seems that this perception of “this is my home” was instilled into him by Bapak and Ibu since the first time he worked here. With this in mind, Mr. Ron has always shown nothing but his best.

He would arrive at 10:00 AM and immediately get on with his daily task by checking the function room and briefing his staff regarding upcoming events. He plans ahead before occasions and assess possible problems before they arise. As a leader and head of his staff he is known to be very strict and the no non-sense type. When facing problems he would first analyse the situation, and explains to the wrongdoer where he went wrong and what he should have done. Continue reading

Participative Type of Leadership

Ms. Janet is an extremely organized person and favors to do things in a systematic manner. She carries a macro-level perspective and is pragmatic. She is able to delegate small matters to her subordinates and gives more attention to the bigger and more important details. She is hard working and desires to acquire new knowledge and skills on a different field for self- improvement and career development.

Ms. Janet appears to be at ease when dealing with people. She is able to sustain a pleasant appearance and express her ideas and thoughts clearly. She asserts her recommendations if necessary and desires to have a harmonious work relationship with subordinates and supervisors in her department. Her creative abilities, which are suppressed by their low budget and old equipment, have yet to be sharpened land realized. Continue reading

Career Development Plan

Ms. Jeany portrays herself as a hard intense worker who enjoys challenging tasks and prefers to be deeply involved in a variety of jobs. Once she is given a particular job, she will focus on that job and commits herself to successfully complete it. Young and energetic, she radiates the aura of optimism and aspiration to achieve meaningful accomplishment.

At present, she has no direct subordinate – therefore, she does not have opportunity to express her leadership skills. Nevertheless, in her previous work experiences she displayed strong leadership abilities by being a coordinator of events. She and her friends grouped together and organized events. As the leader, she prefers to give freedom and empowers her staff as she herself also likes to be treated the same. Thus, she will feel uncomfortable if her boss or superior applies strict supervision on her while at work. Continue reading

Becoming a Smart Worker

Ms. Michelle appears to be a satisfied “smart” worker. She is happy with her job, but despite her contentment, she still strives to further improve herself and the business of the hotel. The nature of her job has instilled patience and perseverance in her. She is flexible and very pragmatic. She is able to adapt to her working environment quickly and also possesses the ability of making quick decisions.

Ms. Michelle is able to establish good rapport fast. She is very articulate and is able to express her insights clearly. She answers questions directly and systematically. Her display of certainty when conversing and answering questions exudes confidence that may be one of the reasons why she is able to win clients for ASI. In addition, she comes across as a pleasant person despite her assertiveness. Continue reading

Self Improvements and Leadership Role

Ms. Angela appears to be knowledgeable on the Japanese accounts that she is assigned to handle in the Sales and Marketing department of the hotel. She carries an innate interest in Japanese culture, which paves the way for her to find her job enjoyable. She prefers to have well defined goals and have concrete measurements of her success. She displays the desire to achieve higher success and accomplish even greater tasks and responsibilities. She is organized and systematic but is also flexible in going about with her work. She possesses a macro level perspective and places a high importance on theoretical and conceptual knowledge. Continue reading

Improving Staff Performance

Mr. Pete is a headwaiter in Mina Seafood and has 12 direct subordinates. In addition to coordinating his waiters to serve customers, he also has to make monthly work schedule and provide training — both in class and on the job training — for his staff on a regular basis.

As a leader he tends to use close and strict control to monitor his staff performance and pays attention to the detail and accuracy. He claimed that these attributes have helped him in ensuring that Mina Seafood room is always clean and neat. Nevertheless, the combination of his strong control and his high attention to detail makes him a dominant leader who may hesitate to give autonomy and trust to his staff. While this trait may be appropriate at times, it may also create disapproval and anger in the workplace. Continue reading